Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br />(f) The applicant shall also post a sign on the subject property, and <br />directional signs posted at locations to be determined by Planning Staff. <br />The signs shall measure no more than nine square feet in area and no <br />less than four square feet in area, giving the contact information of the <br />County Planning Department, the proposed dates, times, and location of <br />the balloon test. The signs shall be posted to meet the same time limits <br />as provided for in the balloon test notification as stated above. <br />(3) Submittal Requirements <br />In addition to the information required herein as well as Section 2.7, the following <br />shall be submitted as part of the application: <br />(a) A site plan showing the following: <br />(i) The entire site (including property boundary lines) and size of all <br />existing structures within 500 feet of the site, <br />(ii) Existing and proposed structures on site, <br />(iii) The fall zone of the tower, <br />(iv) Existing and proposed topography at a contour interval of five <br />feet and <br />(v) Any officially designated floodways and floodplains, or the <br />presence of alluvial soils <br />(b) Plans, and elevations for all proposed structures and descriptions of the <br />color and nature of all exterior material, along with the make, model, and <br />manufacturer of the proposed structure, maximum antenna heights, and <br />power levels. <br />(c) A Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan drawn at the same scale as <br />the site plan, showing the existing and proposed trees, shrubs, ground <br />cover and other landscape materials. This plan shall minimize adverse <br />visual effects of wireless telecommunications support structures and <br />antennas through careful design, siting, landscape screening and <br />innovative camouflaging techniques. <br />(d) Evidence that the applicant has investigated the possibilities of placing <br />the proposed equipment on an existing wireless support structure. Such <br />evidence shall consist of: <br />(i) A listing of all wireless telecommunications support structures <br />within a two mile radius of the proposed wireless support <br />structure site and a listing of all wireless support structure, utility <br />poles and other structures in the vicinity of the proposed facility <br />that are technically feasible for utilization by the applicant to fill <br />all or a substantial portion of the telecommunications service <br />need identified by the Applicant pursuant to section <br />5.10.8(A)(1)(s). Documents shall be submitted at the time of <br />application filing that indicates the applicant's ability or inability to <br />co- locate on the identified tower(s) and reasons why. <br />Delineation of the boundaries of the maximum search ring within <br />which the telecommunication equipment can function as <br />intended. The following information shall be provided for all <br />existing wireless support structures within the search ring: <br />a. Wireless telecommunication support structure height; <br />b. Existing and planned wireless support structure users; <br />C. Whether the existing wireless telecommunication <br />support structure could accommodate the <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -90 <br />