Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.10. Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br />(d) The antenna shall not extend more than ten feet above the existing pole <br />height. If the pole is replaced to withstand the addition of <br />telecommunications equipment, then the same restriction shall apply <br />except that the utility pole may be 20 feet higher than the adjacent pole <br />heights. <br />(e) Placement of an antenna on a utility pole shall only be on poles owned or <br />operated by a public utility authorized to operate in the County, a County <br />franchisee, or Orange County. <br />(f) All relocation costs associated with any relocation of the antenna <br />necessitated by roadway or sidewalk improvements shall be borne by <br />the telecommunications provider. <br />5.10.8 Wireless Telecommunications Support Structures — Submittal and Review Requirements <br />(A) General Submittal Requirements for all Telecommunication Support Structures <br />(1) Submittal Requirements <br />(a) A site plan and site plan application package prepared in accordance <br />with Section 2.5 shall be presented for approval to the Planning Division <br />including all requirements for site development plan approval as <br />required. <br />(b) A detailed description of the proposed telecommunication support <br />structure (i.e. monopole, self - supporting lattice, etc.) including a detailed <br />narrative description and explanation of the specific objective(s) for the <br />new facility including a description as to the coverage and /or capacity, <br />technical requirements, and the identified boundaries of the specific <br />geographic area of intended coverage for the proposed <br />telecommunication support structure. <br />(c) Elevation drawings and color renderings of the proposed tower showing: <br />(i) The vertical rendition of the telecommunication support <br />structure(s) identifying all users and attachments, <br />(ii) All related fixtures, structures, appurtenances and apparatus <br />including the height of said structures above the lowest adjacent <br />pre- existing grade, <br />(iii) The materials that will be used on site for said structures <br />including their color and any proposed lighting and shielding <br />devices, and <br />(iv) If the facility is intended to be a stealth, as defined herein, the <br />colors and screening devices for the Planning Director to verify <br />consistency with applicable definitions. <br />(d) A signed statement from the applicant certifying that the proposed <br />telecommunication support structure: <br />(i) Shall be maintained in a safe manner, <br />(ii) Is in compliance with all conditions of all applicable permits and <br />authorizations without exception, and <br />(iii) Is in compliance with all applicable and permissible local, State, <br />and Federal rules and regulations. <br />(e) A statement, prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of <br />North Carolina, which through rational engineering analysis, certifies the <br />tower's compliance with applicable standards as set forth in the State of <br />North Carolina Building Code, and any associated regulations; and <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -85 <br />