Orange County NC Website
iE <br />OCES Strategic Plan -2014 <br />Performance Evaluation <br />As the Strategic Plan matures, each Division will develop performance indicators that will be specific to <br />each goal. As the indicators may change fairly rapidly, they are not included in this plan, but will be <br />developed separately in support of this plan (Appendix B). The performance indicators will serve as a <br />tool to track the progress of each goal and demonstrate progress of the Strategic Plan implementation. <br />Plan Maintenance <br />This plan is a living document that will be reviewed at least annually to determine if implementation is <br />being successful. It will be updated every five (5) years to reflect new or changing County and <br />organizational goals and priorities. To update the plan, OCES will convene a Task Force of stakeholders <br />to review, provide feedback, develop consensus, and revise the contents of the plan. <br />Each time the plan receives a major update, it will be presented to the Orange County BOCC for their <br />input, feedback, and consensus before implementation occurs. The final plan will be presented to OCES <br />stakeholders for their situational awareness. <br />Performance Evaluation <br />