Orange County NC Website
• <br /> Exhibit 3. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA <br /> GENERAL FUND <br /> STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND <br /> CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL(UNAUDITED) <br /> FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2013 <br /> Variance With <br /> Budgeted Amounts Final Budget <br /> Original Amended Actual Encumbrances Over/(Under) FY2012-13 <br /> Revenues: <br /> Property taxes $ 139,733,522 $ 139,733,522 $ 110,956,568 $ - $ (28,776,954) $ 109,020,423 <br /> Sales tax 17,190,148 17,190,148 3,768,382 - (13,421,766) 3,751,968 <br /> Intergovernmental revenues 13,703,850 18,572,594 6,966,783 - (11,605,811) 7,453,566 <br /> Charges for services 9,654,843 9,700,071 4,543,191 - (5,156,880) 4,105,640 <br /> Investment earnings 105,000 105,000 12,858 - (92,142) 12,305 <br /> Licenses and permits 313,000 313,000 78,442 - (234,558) 77,669 <br /> Miscellaneous 796,718 839,601 763,991 - (75,610) 451,427 <br /> Total revenues 181,497,081 186,453,936 127,090,215 - (59,363,721) 124,872,998 <br /> Expenditures: <br /> Governing and management 15,981,211 16,245,627 7,437,794 359,355 (8,807,833) 6,459,406 <br /> General services 8,669,540 8,741,011 3,993,739 149,310 (4,747,272) 3,825,682 <br /> Community and environment 7,103,245 7,218,123 3,088,891 128,424 (4,129,232) 2,979,461 <br /> Human services 31,459,113 36,050,480 15,668,975 593,077 (20,381,505) 15,256,652 <br /> Education 69,657,252 69,657,252 34,512,169 - (35,145,083) 32,979,675 <br /> Public safety 21,445,378 21,697,733 9,121,040 303,653 (12,576,693) 8,744,479 <br /> Cultural and recreational 2,495,908 2,507,410 1,291,312 58,419 (1,216,098) 1,066,312 <br /> Debt service: - - <br /> Principal 17,579,399 17,579,399 6,848,134 — (10,731,265) 4,893,330 <br /> Interest and fees 8,030,387 8,030,387 4,182,041 - (3,848,346) 6,875,553 <br /> Total expenditures 182,421,433 187,727,422 86,144,095 1,592,238 (101,583,327) 83,080,550 <br /> Revenues over(under)expenditures (924,352) (1,273,486) 40,946,120 (1,592,238) 42,219,606 41,792,448 <br /> Other Financing Sources(Uses): <br /> Capital lease issuance - - - - - - <br /> Transfers in 1,046,300 1,058,800 - - (1,058,800) - <br /> Transfers out (5,312,066) (9,228,294) - - 9,228,294 (3,000,000) <br /> Appropriated fund balance 5,190,118 9,442,980 - - (9,442,980) - <br /> Total other financing sources(uses) 924,352 1,273,486 - - (1,273,486) (3,000,000) <br /> Net change in fund balance $ - $ - 40,946,120 $ (1,592,238) $ 40,946,120 $ 38,792,448 <br /> Fund Balance: <br /> Beginning of year-July 1 54,575,290 <br /> Six months Ended-December 31, $ 95,521,410 <br />