Orange County NC Website
Attachment 6 <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA <br /> COUNTY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND <br /> SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES <br /> IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL(UNAUDITED) <br /> FROM INCEPTION AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2013 <br /> . Actual <br /> Budget Reported in Current Total <br /> to Date Prior Years Year to Date <br /> Revenues: <br /> Federal grants $ 5,888,842 $ 4,990,660 $ - $ 4,990,660 <br /> State grants 6,161,633 5,235,521 15,000 5,250,521 <br /> Investment earnings 2,624,400 3,338,388 5,197 3,343,585 <br /> Other 1,547,665 3,406,775 37,954 3,444,729 <br /> Total revenues 16,222,540 16,971,344 58,151 17,029,495 <br /> Expenditures: <br /> New Hope Creek Preserve 40,000 18,750 6,250 25,000 <br /> Jail 1,375,000 256,567 - 256,567 <br /> Justice facility and new courthouse -12,229,073 12,326,996 - 12,326,996 <br /> New courthouse - 218,797 - 218,797 <br /> Northern Human Services Center 714,545 363,931 29,569 393,500 <br /> Senior Center-Central Orange 6,460,533 6,147,769 - 6,147,769 <br /> Robert and Pearl Seymour Center 70,000 - - - <br /> Southern Human Services Center 280,000 - - - <br /> Whiffed Human Services Center 1,792,200 2,800 126,229 129,029 <br /> Animal services facility 9,168,864 9,157,734 480 9,158,214 <br /> EMS relocation and meadowlands annex 3,569,214 3,552,307 10,242 3,562,549 <br /> County campus,office building,and library 26,899,000 26,890,736 - 26,890,736 <br /> County other - 1,449,460 - 1,449,460 <br /> Blackwood Farm 2,437,435 2,279,170 - 2,279,170 <br /> Cedar Grove Park 1,848,000 1,847,999 - 1,847,999 <br /> Twin Creeks Park 2,579,457 844,937 - 844,937 <br /> Fairview Park 1,615,023 1,606,218 - 1,606,218 <br /> Conservation easement 1,733,208 1,705,824 170,028 1,875,852 <br /> Homestead Aquatics - 83,346 - 83,346 <br /> Lands Legacy 1,630,909 111,290 1,495 112,785 <br /> Parkland and recreation facilities 103,530 175,011 - 175,011 <br /> Seven Mile Creek Preserve 151,000 145,689 - 145,689 <br /> Southern Park - 38,196 - 38,196 <br /> SportsPlex Maintenance Reserve 100,000 - - - <br /> West Ten soccer complex 4,054,128 4,054,616 - 4,054,616 <br /> Central recreation repairs 416,980 412,323 2,118 414,441 <br /> Millhouse Road Park 264,802 258,712 - 258,712 <br /> Blackwood Farm Park 50,000 - - - <br /> Joint Artificial Turf Soccer 623,000 - 623,000 623,000 <br /> Roofmg projects 1,498,100 1,142,904 89,295 1,232,199 <br /> Affordable housing 2,808,804 2,036,344 - 2,036,344 <br /> Information technology 4,817,757 3,855,925 167,383 4,023,308 <br /> Register of Deeds'automation enhancement 500,450 246,701 13,164 259,865 <br /> Medicaid maximization 3,899,142 1,908,365 31,432 1,939,797 <br /> Loan Pool Reserve 275,000 200,000 - 200,000 <br /> Efland Sewer extension 1,798,240 111,251 - 111,251 <br /> HVAC projects 2,261,423 774,854 670,181 1,445,035 <br /> ADA compliance 16,058 16,058 - 16,058 <br /> Utilities demand reduction systems 130,000 106,055 - 106,055 <br /> Upfit of County Space-Link Center 1,752,662 1,302,023 14,790 1,316,813 <br /> Telephone system replacement 575,000 562,748 - 562,748 <br />