Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Page 2 of 2 Jerry Ann Gregory <br /> American Cancer Society; Member of Public Health Volunteer Corp,volunteering as <br /> needed. Volunteer annually with Project Homelessness in providing immunizations and <br /> education. <br /> Education: H.S.; BS in Nursing; Adult Health Assessment-UNC; Various workshops on <br /> Wellness, disease prevention, couseling,etc. Adult Health assessment <br /> course/certification at UNC; Numerous classes re: Dementia, Aging, Chronic disease <br /> Other Comments: <br /> Have lived, worked and volunteered in Orange County since 1973. During my 32 years of <br /> working in Public Health I have worked in the adult community providing services and am <br /> very familiar with community and its needs. STAFF COMMENTS: Renewed application <br /> 10/09/03 for ACHCAC and Adv. Bd. on Aging. 6/16/03 for ACHCAC; NHCAC; Adv. Bd. on <br /> Aging. Originally applied 9/3/99. Applied 1/8/2012 for Orange County Emergency Services <br /> Work Group. ADDRESS VERIFICATION: Lebanon Road is Orange County Jurisdiction, <br /> Efland Fire Tax, and Cheeks Township. <br /> This application was current on: 1/6/2014 Date Printed: 1/10/2014 <br />