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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: January 23, 2014 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 6-h <br /> SUBJECT: McGowan Creek Sewer Interceptor Project—Acceptance of State Revolving <br /> Fund Loan <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager, Planning, PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> Finance, Asset Management <br /> Services <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1) State Loan Offer and Acceptance Michael Talbert, Manager's Office, (919) <br /> Letter 245-2300 <br /> 2) Resolution Accepting State Revolving John Roberts, Attorney, (919) 245-2318 <br /> Fund Loan Craig Benedict, Planning, (919) 245- <br /> 2592 <br /> Clarence Grier, Manager's Office/ <br /> Finance, (919) 245-2453 <br /> Kevin Lindley, Planning, (919) 245-2583 <br /> Jeff Thompson, AMS, (919) 245-2658 <br /> David Cannell, Finance, (919) 245-2651 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider: <br /> • Approving and authorizing the Chair to sign the Resolution of Acceptance for the State <br /> Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for this project; and <br /> • Authorizing the Manager to sign the State Loan Offer and Acceptance letter on behalf of <br /> the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> BACKGROUND: On March 13, 2012 the BOCC authorized staff to proceed with applying for a <br /> State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan to provide funding for this project. Orange County had <br /> originally approached the State about paying for this project with proceeds from the SRF loan <br /> used to pay for the Central Efland/North Buckhorn Sewer Project. However, the State <br /> requested that the County apply for the McGowan project funding separately. Orange County <br /> applied for a separate SRF loan in March 2012 and the unused money from the Central <br /> Efland/North Buckhorn SRF loan that would have been used for this project was returned to the <br /> State. <br /> This project will allow the County to eliminate the McGowan Creek pump station by installing a <br /> gravity sewer line to replace it. The new gravity sewer line will convey the wastewater that <br /> previously flowed into the McGowan Creek pump station to the newly completed Brookhollow <br /> pump station, which was designed to handle this future flow. Eliminating the McGowan Creek <br /> pump station will lower the annual maintenance costs of the Efland Sewer System and take out <br /> of service a 25 year-old pump station that would otherwise need refurbishing at an estimated <br /> cost of over$450,000. <br />