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18 <br /> C .ract Number 00029953 I Page 17 of 33 <br /> Contractor covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, <br /> direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance or <br /> services required to be performed under this Contract. The Contractor further covenants <br /> that no person having any such interest shall be employed in the performance of this <br /> Contract. The Contractor shall make no loans to its directors or officers. <br /> The Contractor shall be subject to and shall comply with the conflict of interest <br /> provisions of the federal regulations as published at 24 CFR Part 570.611, 24 CFR Part <br /> 84.42 and 24 CFR Part 85.36. <br /> VIII. Fair Housing Act Compliance Certification <br /> The Contractor hereby warrants that it does not have any Fair Housing Discrimination <br /> complaints pending against it. The Contractor also agrees that should any Fair Housing <br /> Discrimination complaint be lodged against it during the term of this Contract, it will <br /> immediately notify the Grantee in writing of the occurrence. <br /> STANDARDS OF CONDUCT: <br /> I. Procurement <br /> HUD procurement standards found at 24 CFR 85.36, and OMB Circular A-110, Subpart <br /> C are hereby incorporated into this contract by reference. <br /> H. Faith-based activities <br /> The Contractor agrees that funds provided under this Agreement will not be utilized for <br /> inherently religious activities prohibited by 24 CFR §576.406. <br /> M. HMIS Reporting <br /> The Contractor shall report client-level data in a Homeless Management Information <br /> System (HMIS) or a comparable database in accordance with HUD's standards on <br /> participation, data collection, and reporting. If the Contractor is a victim service provider, <br /> it may use a comparable database that collects client-level data over time and generates <br /> duplicated aggregate reports based on the data. <br /> IV. Match Requirements: <br /> ESG funds are subject to a dollar for dollar match. The match can be obtained from any <br /> source, including any Federal, state, local, and private sources. Ineligible sources include: <br /> ESG funds and funds used to match another Federal program. Cash or noneash <br /> contributions (i.e. donated material/property, $5 hour rate of volunteerism) are also <br /> eligible. <br /> In accordance with the terms of the grant contract, the Contractor shall document match <br /> set aside under this Contract. The State requires submission of all match documentation <br /> at the end of each program year. Contractors will submit copies of financial ledger, <br /> checks and/or bank deposits from donations, documentation of volunteer hours and in- <br /> kind services, depending on what the Contractor is using for match. Further, the <br /> Contractor must provide proof that match expenditures support ESG eligible activities. <br /> V. Additional Requirements <br />