Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> r <br /> C tract Number 00029953/ Page 14 of 33 <br /> Frequency of monitoring visits may be based on performance as documented in <br /> CHIN and additional risk factors as identified in previous Contractor performance, <br /> grant application forms, and monitoring reports from other state and federal agencies. <br /> It is expected that contractors meet 75% or more of program standards on annual <br /> monitoring. <br /> Documentation: Monitoring reports and participant files <br /> III. Reporting <br /> A. Contractors will be responsible for accurate and complete CHIN data entry <br /> (comparable data for Domestic Violence programs) and reimbursement requests. <br /> All CHIN data entry for the quarter must be entered into CHIN by the end of the <br /> third month of the quarter <br /> B. Contractors will be responsible for all other information required for federal <br /> reporting. Contractors will be notified of these reporting requirements as federal <br /> guidance is provided. <br /> C. Contractors will be responsible for submission of semi-annual reports to the State. <br /> Documentation: CHIN Reports; Annual reports, Semi-Annual reports <br /> REIMBURSEMENTS <br /> A. The Contractor will submit reimbursement requests to the N.C. Department of <br /> Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services—Housing and <br /> Homelessness Unit using forms supplied by the State with required <br /> documentation of expenses (copies of invoices/bills/receipts) and proof of <br /> payment(copies of ledgers or copses of checks used to pay expenses). <br /> Contractor will maintain additional required documentation in household <br /> (participant) files and in the CHIN system. Reimbursement requests will be <br /> verified against documentation of expenses and proof of payments and may be <br /> verified against data in CHIN before payment is made. <br /> When reimbursements request are made in a timely and complete manner: <br /> a. Emergency Services reimbursements will be paid on a monthly basis. <br /> b. Staff cost will be paid on a monthly basis. <br /> c. Flexible cash assistance may be paid twice a month. <br /> B. Reimbursements for Contractor staff will require timesheets or documentation of <br /> indirect cost rates. <br /> C. Reimbursement for any activities for which the Contractor sub-contracts will <br /> require a paid invoice for reimbursement from the state. The Contractor will be <br /> responsible for all funds allocated to a sub-contractor. If funds are misused by a <br /> sub-contractor, the Contractor will reimburse the state with another funding <br /> source. <br />