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3 <br /> Orange Rural Fire Department <br /> 6. At its December 10, 2013 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved a <br /> request from Orange Rural Fire Department No. 1 to enter into a financing arrangement <br /> to purchase a fire truck. Included in the department's request, and approved by the <br /> Board, was a request of $70,000 from their district's available fund balance to purchase <br /> equipment to help outfit the truck. With this appropriation, approximately $16,000 <br /> remains in the district's unassigned fund balance. This technical budget amendment <br /> provides for the appropriation of $70,000 from the district's fund balance for the above <br /> stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 6) <br /> Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Fund <br /> 7. At its December 10, 2013 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved an <br /> appropriation of $3,000,000 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to <br /> continue funding the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Fund, established during <br /> the previous fiscal year, in order to fully fund the total required annual contribution for the <br /> current fiscal year. This technical budget amendment provides for the appropriation of <br /> $3,000,000 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance for the above stated <br /> purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 7) <br /> Animal Services Department <br /> 8. The Animal Services Department has received $1,213 in additional revenue from the sale <br /> of spay/neuter t-shirts and animal carriers. Animal Services would like to use this <br /> additional revenue to fund the purchase of additional spay/neuter t-shirts and animal <br /> carriers in order to continue with this program. This budget amendment provides for the <br /> receipt of these funds. (See Attachment 1, column 8) <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve budget ordinance <br /> amendments for fiscal year 2013-14. <br />