Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses 22 <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br /> Some or all of items listed in (h)through (r) may be required to be provided on a <br /> propagation study data form to be provided by the County. <br /> (2) Additional Submittal Requirements—Co-locafionCollocation6 of Antennas <br /> In addition to the requirements denoted herein, applications for the se- <br /> losationcollocation of antennas on existing structures shall be required to submit <br /> the following: <br /> (a) The age of the existing tower in years, including the date of the grant of <br /> the original permit or authorization for the existing tower; <br /> (b) For a wireless support structure that is five years old or older, or for a <br /> guyed structure that is three years old or older, a copy of the latest ANSI <br /> Report done pursuant to the latest edition of ANSI-EIA/TIA 222F—Annex <br /> E for any self-supporting tower. If an ANSI report has not been done <br /> pursuant to the preceding schedule, an ANSI report shall be done and <br /> submitted as part of the application. No Building Permit shall be issued <br /> for any wireless support structure where the structure being attached to <br /> is in need of remediation, unless and until the County Planning and <br /> Inspections Department has approved all remediation work needed has <br /> been completed or a schedule for the remediation work. <br /> (c) A Structural Report signed by a Professional Engineer licensed to do <br /> • <br /> business in the State and bearing that engineer's currently valid stamp, <br /> showing the structural adequacy of the wireless support structure to <br /> accommodate the proposed modification or antenna array Collocation, <br /> including any equipment shelter, unless the equipment shelter is located <br /> on the lowest floor of a building; <br /> (d) If attaching to a structure other than a tower or where the proposed <br /> attachment is within 30 feet of areas to which the public has or could <br /> reasonably have or gain access to, documentation shall be provided, <br /> including all calculations, proving that the potential exposure to RF <br /> radiation (i.e. Non-Ion Emitting Radiation), will be comply with the most <br /> recent FCC regulations governing RF radiation and exposure thereto, <br /> and further denoting the minimum distance from any antennas an <br /> individual may safely stand without being exposed to RF radiation in <br /> excess of the FCC's permitted standards and any portion(s) of the <br /> structure that would be exposed to RF radiation in excess of the FCC's <br /> permitted standards. Compliance with the FCC's regulations, in such an <br /> instance the RF radiation from all facilities at that location shall be <br /> included in the calculations to show the cumulative effect on any area of <br /> the building or structure deemed accessible by the public or workers. <br /> Such report or analysis shall be signed and sealed by a Professional <br /> Engineer licensed in the State. <br /> (e) If the modification or antenna array Collocation collocation'is 30 feet or <br /> more above ground level, then a signed document such as the FCC's <br /> "Checklist to Determine whether a Wireless support structure may be <br /> Categorically Excluded"shall be provided to verify that the modification <br /> or antenna array co locationcollocation will fully comply with the current <br /> FCC's RF emissions regulations. If not categorically excluded, a <br /> complete RF emissions study is required to enable compliance <br /> verification, including providing all calculations so that such may be <br /> verified prior to issuance of a Building Permit; <br /> If any section or portion of the structure to be attached to is not in <br /> compliance with the FCC's regulations regarding RF radiation, that <br /> 6 Correction of spelling to ensure consistency within the UDO. <br /> Correction of a grammatical error. There is no need for the word to be capitalized. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-87 <br />