Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses 21 <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br /> describes the tower's capacity, including an example of the number and <br /> type of antennas it can accommodate. <br /> (f) A statement stating how the proposed tower will minimize visual <br /> intrusiveness to surrounding properties in the area. Criteria that may be <br /> used for such evidence may be height and type of existing trees <br /> surrounding the proposed tower, and local topography. <br /> (g) A copy of the installed foundation design including a geotechnical sub- <br /> surface soils investigation, evaluation report, and foundation <br /> recommendation for the proposed wireless support structure. <br /> (h) The existing cell sites(latitude, longitude, power levels)to which this <br /> proposed site will be a handoff candidate. <br /> (i) Propagation studies of the proposed site and showing all adjoining <br /> planned, proposed, in-service or existing sites. This will include all of the <br /> modeling information used to produce the study including, but not limited <br /> to, any assumptions made about ambient tree height. <br /> (j) The search ring utilized in finding the proposed site. <br /> (k) The number, type, height, and model of the proposed antennas along <br /> with a copy of the applicable specification sheet(s). <br /> (I) The make, model and manufacturer of the tower and antenna(s), <br /> antenna heights and power levels of proposed site. This will include <br /> documentation establishing the azimuth, size, and centerline height <br /> location of all proposed and existing antennas on the structure. <br /> (m) The frequency, modulation and class of service of radio or other <br /> transmitting equipment. <br /> (n) The maximum transmission power capability of all radios, as designed, if <br /> the applicant is a cellular or functional equivalent carrier, or the maximum <br /> transmission power capability, as designed, of all transmission facilities if <br /> the applicant is not a cellular or functional equivalent carrier. <br /> (o) The actual intended transmission and the maximum effective radiated <br /> power of the antenna(s). <br /> (p) The direction(s)of maximum lobes and associated radiation of the <br /> antenna(s). <br /> (q) Certification that the NIER levels at the proposed site are within the <br /> threshold levels adopted by the FCC. <br /> (r) Certification that the proposed antenna(s)will not cause interference with <br /> other telecommunications devices. <br /> (s) A written affidavit stating why"the proposed site is necessary for their <br /> communications service" (e.g., for coverage, capacity, hole-filling, etc.) <br /> and a statement that there are no existing alternative sites within the <br /> provided search ring and there are no alternative technologies available <br /> which could provide the proposed telecommunications service need <br /> without the tower. <br /> (t) A copy of the FCC license applicable for the intended use of the facility <br /> as well as a copy of the 5 and 10 year building out plan required by the <br /> FCC. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-86 <br />