Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 14 <br /> Section 2.8:Zoning Atlas and Unified Development Ordinance Amendments <br /> Eii)(d) Increasing the square footage of the existing equipment compound by <br /> more than 2,500 square feet. <br /> {11) <br /> (C) The Planning Director shall, before making a <br /> determination as to whether a proposed action is Zoning Atlas and <br /> a minor change or a modification, review the <br /> record of the proceedings on the original UDO Amendments <br /> application for approval of the Special Use. The <br /> determination shall be based upon the request of Application <br /> the applicant, the review of the record of the Submittal <br /> approval of the original request and the Planning <br /> Director's findings under the criteria of subsection <br /> (B) above. <br /> Staff Assessment <br /> (D) The Planning Director shall, if it is determined that and Analysis <br /> the proposed action is a minor change, state the <br /> findings in writing to the applicant. The applicant <br /> shall file an amended site plan, or written <br /> statement, outlining in detail the minor change(s) Schedule/Advertise <br /> proposed. The Planning Director shall file the Public Hearing and <br /> amended site plan or written statement with the Mail Required <br /> approved site plan. Notifications <br /> (E) If it is determined that the proposed action is a <br /> modification, the Planning Director shall require Hold Public Hearing <br /> the applicant to submit a request for modification <br /> of the approved special use permit. The following and Receive Public <br /> procedures shall be adhered to in the case of a Comments <br /> modification: <br /> (1) The applicant shall provide an amended <br /> site plan and written narrative outlining the Planning Board Review <br /> specific changes requested. and Recommendation <br /> (2) The Planning Director shall submit the <br /> request to the Board that approved the <br /> original application. Decision by the BOCC <br /> (3) The Board shall set a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the <br /> modification request. Any public hearing called pursuant to a modification of an <br /> approved special use permit shall be held in conformity with the relevant public <br /> notification requirements contained in this Article. <br /> (4) The Board may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a <br /> modification. <br /> (5) The Planning Director shall file the Board's action in the Planning Department as <br /> an amendment request to the original application and shall notify the applicant of <br /> the Board's action. <br /> SECTION! 2M:. ZONING ATLAS AND UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORD"., <br /> AMENDMENTS <br /> 2.8.1 Review and Approval Flow Chart <br /> The review and a.• :•- process for a Zoning Atlas and Unified Developmen • e <br /> Amen.••- is shown in the procedure's flowchart. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-22 <br />