Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 21 <br /> Section 2.25:Appeals <br /> B) Public Hearing Required <br /> (1) The EIS, along with all comments received during the review period, - all be <br /> presented for public hearing concurrently with the development pr.ect. <br /> (2) If a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioner is not required for <br /> approval of the development project,then a special heari : shall be scheduled. <br /> - hearing shall take place no later than 30 days after e close of the public <br /> revi-. period or receipt of comments from the State •learinghouse, whichever is <br /> later. <br /> (C) Notice of Public He: ing <br /> (1) Notice of the pub' hearing to review th- IS and receive public comment shall <br /> be published at leas wice in a news•=per of general circulation in the county, <br /> stating the time and pl—e of the h--ring. <br /> (2) Said notice shall appear in -it• newspaper for two successive weeks with the <br /> first notice appearing not le: -n ten nor more than 25 days before the date set <br /> for the public hearing. I computi • the notice period, the day of publication is <br /> not to be included, b . he day of the •earing is to be included. <br /> (D) Board of County Com ' sioners Action <br /> (1) The Board o ounty Commissioners shall rec-'ve the EIS and all comments as <br /> informati. only. The information presented may 6- used only to determine <br /> compl.- ce with specific development standards est-.lished in this Ordinance. <br /> (2) N. action shall be taken on the development project unti : ter the EIS has been <br /> •resented to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> (E) Ef -ct on Other Permits and Actions <br /> Construction or installation of any major development project shall not comme- e until <br /> subsequent to the filing of a Finding of No Significant Impact or acceptance of th- inal <br /> EIS by the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 10 <br /> Generally <br /> Appeal applications shall be filed in accordance with Section 2.2 within 30 days of the decision <br /> being appealed on forms provided by the Planning Department, if applicable. <br /> Planning Director Decisions <br /> (A) Site Plans or Other Decision Pertaining to this Ordinance <br /> Any decision of the Planning Director regarding a site plan application or other decision <br /> pertaining to this Ordinance not listed in (B)through (D) below may be appealed to the <br /> Board of Adjustment according to the provisions set forth in Section 2.12 of this <br /> Ordinance. <br /> (1) An appeal to the Board of Adjustment from a decision or determination of the <br /> Planning Director stays all proceedings in furtherance of the decision or <br /> determination appealed from, except: <br /> (a) Situations that, in the opinion of the Planning Director, a stay would <br /> cause imminent peril to life and/or property. <br /> 10 The appeals section is proposed to be re-numbered as part of a current amendment proposal associated with <br /> Neighborhood Information meetings for governmental uses. This amendment was heard at the September 9,2013 <br /> Quarterly Public Hearing and will be decided upon by the BOCC on November 5,2013. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina–Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-68 <br />