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She suggested the submission of separate lists for bike/pedestrian and highway on <br /> November 19tH <br /> Bret Martin said the County can submit different projects in different modes, but the <br /> projects will still all be scored as one item. He said the list that will be coming to the Board on <br /> November 19th will act as a guide for the TAC members to look at where to assign points. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the Burlington MPO will be dealt with separately. <br /> Brett Martin said this was done last month. <br /> Chair Jacobs said staff discussed some adjustments, and somehow the number one <br /> priority, which was is the TARPO projects, got lost in the shuffle. He was wondering how to <br /> get this back in. <br /> Brett Martin asked if this is about the Buckhorn Road widening. He said this is now in <br /> the Burlington/Graham MPO planning area and can no longer be submitted. He said the <br /> projects that came to the BGMPO TCC were an abbreviated list of projects made by their staff. <br /> He said the Board did submit that project, but he is unsure what decision making process <br /> occurred at the MPO level to prevent it from being included in the recommendations. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there was an exchange of emails regarding substitution of projects. <br /> Craig Benedict said he believes the email discussion today will put the Buckhorn project <br /> in the Burlington/Graham priority list. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this is important because it is in the middle of the Economic <br /> Development District, and it is a bottleneck, especially as long as the flea market is there. He <br /> noted that residents do not like the traffic immobility on weekends, and it would also be a more <br /> attractive economic development area if people could drive through easily. <br /> Chair Jacobs said one of the reasons the interstate funding has not gone forward is <br /> because it has not been a priority in the past. He said the reason Interstate 40 stopped at the <br /> Orange County line is because Orange County sued to block that route in the 1980's. He said <br /> it has not been funded for the past 25 years, and he does not think this is a coincidence or a <br /> function of district lines. He said it is more a function of the way the DOT used to operate, but <br /> hopefully this is no longer the case. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that staff use the front and back of pages to create larger <br /> PowerPoint materials that the Board can more easily read the material. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked about the substitute handout for 7C. He asked if this is to <br /> replace 7C 3 in the original packet. <br /> Brett Martin said the handout will supplant what was previously received. He said this <br /> list is the only action item for tonight. He said the original list had all modes, but this list is <br /> narrowed to the action item. He said a comprehensive list with all modes will come back to the <br /> Board on the 19th <br /> Commissioner McKee said he gets a feeling that no matter how the Board prioritizes or <br /> ranks items, it will have little impact. He is not opposed to doing it, but he does question the <br /> effectiveness. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if Brett Martin had more to say on the transit projects. <br /> Brett Martin said he wanted to make the strong point that a lot of the projects being <br /> indicated would require a local match. He said the approval of the list tonight does not commit <br /> the County to a local match. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there are two projects on the list for DCHC MPO —the <br /> Hillsborough Train Station and the Buckhorn EDD. She noted that those projects were on the <br /> original list, and now others have been added for a total of six. She said the Buckhorn EDD <br /> was submitted to the Burlington/Graham MPO, and it is in that MPO. <br /> Brett Martin said most of it is, but not all of it. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it appears to be on the border. <br />