Orange County NC Website
• Projects of statewide or regional significance (1-40, 1-85, NC 86, NC 54) will be eligible <br /> for more money than projects of local significance (South Churton Street, Orange <br /> Grove Road extension, etc.) and will not have to rely as much on the power of local <br /> input points to get them funded. <br /> Bike/Pedestrian Project Implications for Orange County <br /> • Require 20% local match and must be locally administered. <br /> • Right-of-way will not be an included cost to NCDOT. <br /> • No highway modernization projects means bike projects previously submitted as <br /> highway projects (>$1,000,000) will not score well with new formula and will have to be <br /> submitted as bike/pedestrian projects to receive funding. <br /> • More emphasis on safety, utilitarian demand, access and connectivity for <br /> bike/pedestrian projects 4 Favors more urban contexts. <br /> Staff's Approach/Strategy for Ranking/Prioritizing Projects <br /> • Projects on staff-suggested priority list ranked to optimize scoring output and funding <br /> probability, but list was also sensitive to local desires for those projects that are only <br /> eligible for the Division funding tier. <br /> • Staff carried forward projects submitted in last iteration of project prioritization as <br /> starting point for considering projects in this iteration. <br /> • Staff used the following strategy to rank suggested projects: <br /> ➢ 1 st -Added capacity/mobility projects of local significance; <br /> ➢ 2nd-Added capacity/mobility projects of statewide/regional significance; <br /> ➢ 3rd - Transit/rail projects; <br /> ➢ 4th — Bike/ped projects of local significance that require a 20% local match and <br /> for projects to be locally administered. <br /> Optimize Final Scores to Get Projects Funded While Also Addressing County's Most <br /> Profound Transportation Needs <br /> Recommended Board Approach Moving Forward: <br /> Action to take tonight: <br /> Consider and endorse transit priority list by approving the resolution for transit-specific projects <br /> for both TARPO and DCHS MPO (Refer to handouts). <br /> Action for November 19th: <br /> Consider and endorse TARPO and DCHC MPO priority lists by approving resolution for all <br /> projects (including highway, bike/ped, transit). <br /> Brett Martin said the local MPO has a set number of input points that can be assigned <br /> to projects on their list. <br /> Bret Martin referred to the slides on how the Strategic Mobility Formula will work. He <br /> said three tiers have now been established, and all of the money for transportation projects in <br /> NC is divided into these three tiers over a ten year period (2016-2025). <br /> He said the first tier is statewide mobility, which addresses projects of statewide <br /> significance; and 40 percent of the money ($6 billion) would go to this tier. He said these <br /> projects will not be selected based on any local input. He said these projects will be based <br /> 100 percent on quantitative data. <br /> Bret Martin said the only potential projects in Orange County that fall under this <br /> category are 1-85, 1-40, and US 15-501. <br />