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Jeff Thompson reviewed information on the two properties, and he said this is county <br /> property and could be used for parking. <br /> The board was briefed on this project in closed session on September 17, 2013. <br /> Jeff Thompson said both sites have vertical residential structures that may be of use in <br /> the short term. He said the 1.36 acre parcel is priced at $182,000 and the 1.5 acre parcel is <br /> priced at $200,000. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if recycling and reuse will be used when the existing <br /> buildings on the property are not longer needed. <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. He said these properties could also potentially be moved and <br /> re-sited for use as affordable housing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she has some concerns about using unassigned fund <br /> balance for these purchases. She is not in favor of using $382,000 in general fund balance to <br /> fund this during this time of fiscal uncertainty. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would normally agree with Commissioner Gordon, but <br /> with the success of the Sportsplex and the continuing need for expansion, he feels it is critical <br /> to go ahead and make this purchase and have it on hand. <br /> Commissioner Price echoed what Commissioner McKee said. She said she sees this <br /> as an economic development project. <br /> Jeff Thompson made the clarification that this is excess fund balance, not unassigned <br /> fund balance. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board wanted to recognize the fine job that John Stock and his <br /> staff have done to make this facility such a success. He said the need for more room is a <br /> good problem. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price to: <br /> • authorize the Interim Manager and Chair to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement <br /> between the County and the Sellers of property adjacent to the Orange County <br /> SportsPlex; <br /> • execute the necessary paperwork to close the transaction no later than 30 days after <br /> the agreements are fully executed, subject to final County Attorney approval; and <br /> • approve Budget Amendment#2-C in the amount of$382,000 to fund the transaction <br /> from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> c. Resolutions to Endorse Orange County's Priority Transportation Projects for <br /> the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization and the <br /> Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization <br /> The Board considered two (2) resolutions (Attachments 2 and 5) endorsing two (2) <br /> priority lists of transportation projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization <br /> (TARPO) planning areas for consideration of inclusion in the 2016-2022 Statewide <br /> Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). <br /> Transportation Planner Bret Martin said this item originally came to the Board as a full <br /> list with all modes of transportation. He said information is still being released that affects <br /> these projects. He said there was a preliminary list created; however, now that there are hard <br /> deadlines in place, the bike, pedestrian and highway projects can be slowed as more <br /> information comes out that might affect the ranking and order of the list. <br />