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The Board considered approving a contract with McGill & Associates for the design, <br /> permitting and bid and construction administration of interstate frontage road, water and sewer <br /> infrastructure to serve the proposed Morinaga manufacturing facility site and authorizing the <br /> Chair to sign. <br /> Craig Benedict noted the revised contract at the Commissioner's places, and he <br /> thanked Commissioner Gordon for her helpful comments on this revision. <br /> He said this is just for the design work. He said when this is completed next year this <br /> will go out to bid. He said staff chose McGill because the firm provided help in the past with <br /> the Efland sewer project and the North Buckhorn Sewer project, which were completed on time <br /> and within budget. <br /> He said the contract would be for the amount of$142,000, to included work outlined in <br /> the abstract materials. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if staff wanted to change the recommendation to include <br /> the wording "subject to attorney review." <br /> John Roberts said this wording should be included. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve and authorize the chair to sign a contract with McGill & Associates for the design, <br /> permitting and bid and construction administration for $142,000 for interstate frontage road, <br /> water and sewer infrastructure to serve the proposed Morinaga manufacturing facility site, <br /> subject to attorney review. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked Michael Talbert how many proposals were received in <br /> response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQs). <br /> Michael Talbert said staff interviewed the top six firms. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to the previous CDBG discussion. He asked if this <br /> means other CDBG requests will be considered in addition to this one, or if the intent is that <br /> this will be their CDBG request. <br /> Craig Benedict said it is the intent that the money to be expended with this contract will <br /> be part of the 25 percent share of the grant proposal. He said another part will be an estimate <br /> of the construction cost for the water and sewer work. He said a letter has been signed with <br /> the state, authorizing consultants to be hired and counted as a County match when <br /> applications are submitted. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin clarified that the County will request a CDBG grant for $1 million <br /> related to this project, and this grant proposal will include all the work in this item, as well as <br /> $800,000 for infrastructure. <br /> Craig Benedict said that is correct. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. SportsPlex Property Purchase and Sale Agreements and Approval of Budget <br /> Amendment#2-C <br /> The Board considered authorizing the Interim Manager and Chair to execute a <br /> Purchase and Sale Agreement between the County and the sellers of property adjacent to the <br /> Orange County SportsPlex; execute the necessary paperwork to close the transaction no later <br /> than 30 days after the agreements are fully executed, subject to final County Attorney <br /> approval; and approve Budget Amendment#2-C in the amount of$382,000 to fund the <br /> transaction from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance. <br />