Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> Health & Human Services Legislative Goals <br /> HHS-1:Ensure adequate mental health funding. <br /> Seek legislation to ensure that state-funded mental health, developmental disability, and <br /> substance abuse services are available, accessible and affordable to all residents and that <br /> sufficient state resources fund service provision costs inclusive of sufficient crisis beds and <br /> supportive housing. While North Carolina counties largely fund social services administration <br /> and health services, the state has been traditionally responsible for mental health expenses. <br /> The state is undertaking a massive restructuring of community mental health services, converting <br /> and merging existing local management entities into managed care organizations charged with <br /> overseeing a capitated model of funding. State budget cuts and federal policy changes have <br /> reduced statewide resources to support crisis services, chronic mental health management, and <br /> state psychiatric hospital capacity. Policy changes have shifted public guardianship <br /> responsibilities from LMEs to county social services staff. <br /> The state has purchased local hospital beds set aside for the mentally ill,but additional funding is <br /> needed for increased bed capacity. Recent federal action to relocate adult care home residents <br /> suffering from mental illness to community-based housing will require increased and sustained <br /> state funding to build local supportive housing resources and wrap-around services. <br /> HHS-2: Retain county management of nonemergency Medicaid transport. <br /> Seek legislation that allows counties to retain the management and coordination of Medicaid <br /> nonemergency medical transportation services. A special provision in the 2013 State <br /> Appropriations Act directed the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services to develop and <br /> issue a request for proposals to privatize the management of nonemergency medical <br /> transportation services for Medicaid recipients. A statewide transportation management <br /> brokerage firm could remove all coordination efforts currently in place to share transportation <br /> services costs amongst funding sources. <br /> North Carolina is recognized nationally for its coordinated system of community human services <br /> transit systems. Largely managed by professional transit administrators under the oversight of <br /> county management, these coordinated systems provide efficient trip scheduling and travel for an <br /> array of human services clients including veterans, elderly citizens, children in daycare, and <br /> Medicaid recipients. Shared trips to the same geographic area equate to shared costs among the <br /> clientele, with cost efficiencies evidenced by North Carolina's cost-effective per member per <br /> month(pmpm) cost of$2.45. Other states have pmpm costs averaging$6 and above. <br /> HHS-3:Preserve federal block grants and state aid to counties for county-administered <br /> programs and oppose unfunded workload mandates. <br /> Seek legislation and monitor state budget activities to ensure that federal block grant and state <br /> aid to counties funds, traditionally used to support county-administered social and health <br /> services, are not redirected to offset state administrative expenses. Support human services <br /> administrative simplification efforts and resist changes in state policies and procedures that add <br /> to county administrative costs. <br /> Counties have already experienced an annual loss of$36 million in federal welfare reform funds <br /> and looming federal deficit reduction measures are likely to compound these losses for health, <br /> social services, and mental health programs. The state has eliminated its $5.4 million annual <br /> appropriation in state aid to counties for social services, although some state aid dollars remain <br />