RES-2013-080 NO ACTION - Resolution Endorsing Projects for the DCCHC MPO Transportation Improvement Program
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2013-080 NO ACTION - Resolution Endorsing Projects for the DCCHC MPO Transportation Improvement Program
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18 <br /> Attachment 6:Draft Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro(DCHC)MPO Project Priority List <br /> Map ID# Project Project Description/Need Status Existing Project Score/ Staff Recommendation <br /> New/Existin Pro'ect Rank <br /> Descriotion:Develop congestion management,limited access,bicycle and pedestrian <br /> improvements,and aesthetic and capaaty improvements along South Churton Street(Old NC <br /> 86ISR 1009)from I-40 to U.S.70 Business.More speafically,the project would widen South <br /> Churton Street along this segment to muttiple lanes with a landscaped median and would <br /> widen the railroad br'bge.This project is recommended in the DCHC MPO Metropolitan <br /> Transportation Plan(MTP).The f�sibility study completed by NCDOT in February 2002 Scwed in SPOT 2.0 prioritizatbn as <br /> recommends a four(4)-tane divided curb and gutter cross section with a 16-foot median for the a Subregionai Highway Mobility <br /> entire segment.Orange County wifl stress the need to study improvements within the currerrt project Ranked 52i382 for ali <br /> right-of-way(ROYV)for the segment north of i-85 because of the significant built constraints Existing Highway Mobility Subregim�al Highway Mobility Submit to DCHC for SPOT 3.0 scorinp and <br /> South Churton Street along the corridor and its proximity to the Town of Hillsborough's historic district Orange Project submitted for scoring in projects scored in the state.Project consideration of inclusion in the DCHC MPO TIP and <br /> 1 (Old NC 86) County will request that,where conditions do not prevent the adddion of frontage roads,the SPOT 2.0.This project was Was ranked 3fl�71 by the MPO for the STIP as oroiect orioritY#1 as a reprioritized <br /> Impravements feasibil'Ry study include the add'dion of frontage roads with limited access from the corridor. submitted by Orenge Cou�ty highway projecFs scored in SPOT highway project <br /> as project priordy#2 in 2011. Z 0.The project is anticipated to <br /> Need:Traffic counts along South Churton Street(Old NC 86)indicate that tfie corridor is near rank about the same or slightly <br /> capaaty for average annual daily counts and over ppacity for peak periods.Capacity Irnver in SPOT 3.0 prioritization. <br /> improvemenis would ease conges6on and improve travel time along this primary north-south <br /> corridor connecting the Town of Hillsborough and northem Orange County to I-40 and i-85. <br /> This project scored the highest among subregional mobility projects in Orange County fa <br /> SPOT 2.0 and ranked 52/382 among those in the state within that qtegory.Atthough the <br /> project is antiapated to rank the same or lower for SPOT 3.0,it is still projected to be among <br /> the hi hest scwin ro'ects that are onl eli ible in the division fundin tier. <br /> DescrioGon:Modify the I-85 Connector iMerchange at U.S.70 to provide access from all <br /> directions.The existing Connedor just east of Efland is not accessible to traffic on eastbound <br /> U.S.70 and there is no access to westbound U.S.70 from the Connector.This project is <br /> recommended in the DCHC MPO MTP. Scoted in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br /> a Regionai Highway Mobilfty <br /> Need:The prqect would enabie traffic from northwestem Orange Counry to access 1-85 more project.Ranked 208268 for all <br /> easily without risking the many points d traffic conflict through Efland. Traffic has increased on �isting Highway Mobility Regional Highway Mobility projects <br /> Efland-Cedar Grove Road as an alternative to NC 86.Much of that Va�c currently`dog-legs" project submitted for scoring in scored in the state.Project was Submit to DCHC MPO for SPOT 3.0 scoring and <br /> Z U.S.70 EasUl-85 thro�7h Efland via Fortest Avenue to Mt Willing Road to access I-85.Traffic counts reveal that SPOT 2.0.This psojed was �anked 66l11 by the MPO for consideration of inclusion in the DCHC MPO TIP and <br /> Connector traffic has increased approximately 40%over the past 10 years on Mt.Willing Road just south highway projects scored in SPOT the STIP as proiect orioritv#2 as a reprioritized <br /> of Forrest Avenue,while traffic on U.S.70 east of Efla�d-Cedar Grove Road has increased submitted by Orange County Z 0.Project is anticipated to rank highway project. <br /> only 2°,6. as projeci priority#5 in 2011. higher for SPOT 3.0 but will likely <br /> not ra�k in the top tier of projects <br /> The project would dramatically improve travel time for traffic from northwestern Orange County within the regional and divisional <br /> to I-85 and would dramaticalty ease congestion during peak perlods in Efland.This project did funding tiers. <br /> not score very high for SPOT 2.0 priordization but is projected to score higher for SPOT 3.0 <br /> because of the added emphasis on both benefit-costftravel time and safety.It is also <br /> antici ated that the ro'ect will be eli ible at both the r ional and divisional fundi tiers. <br /> Descriotion:F�ctend Orange Grove Road from the east side of South Churton Street(SR 1009) Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br /> to U.S.70 Business.This project is recommended in the DCHC MPO MTP. a Subregional Highway Mobility <br /> F�cisting Highway Mobility project.Ranked 77/382 for all <br /> Need:This project would ease excess congestion on South Churton Street between Orange Project submitted for scoring in Subregional Mobility projects Submit to DCHC MPO fw SPOT 3.0 sconng and <br /> 3 Orange Grove Road Grove Road and U.S.70 Business and reduce travel time by providing a direct connection from SPOT 2.0.This project was scored in the state.Project was consideration of inclusion in the DCHC MPO TIP and <br /> F�ctension Orange Grove Road to U.S.7�Business.The project would also provide access to a potential submitted by Orange County ranked 35fT 1 by the MPO for the STIP as proiect orioritv#3 as a reprioritized <br /> site for the proposed Hillsborough train station and possibly other Future public facilities.This as project pnority#7 in 2011. highway projects scored in SPO7 highway project. <br /> projeet scored relatively well for SPOT 2.0 and ranked 77/382 for alf subregional mobility 2.0.The project is aMicipated to <br /> projects in the state.Although the project is expected to rank the same or lower for SPOT 3.0, rank about the same or slightly <br /> it is sti11 projected to be among the higher scoring projects that are only eligible in the division lower for SPOT 3.0 prioritization. <br /> funding tier. <br />
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