2013-522 Arts - Door to Door of UNC Health Care
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2013-522 Arts - Door to Door of UNC Health Care
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1/13/2014 3:45:39 PM
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R 2013-522 Arts - Door to Door of UNC Health Care
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Orange County Arts Commission Grant for DooR to DooR of UNC Health Care <br /> Page 2. <br /> Current Programs and Services-a brief List <br /> 1. Artists escorted to patient rooms,waiting areas, clinics and units,approximately 10 <br /> visits a month. <br /> 2. To teach at the UNC child and adolescent, Crisis, Psychosis, Eating Disorders and <br /> Geriatric Psychiatric Units: 45 Artists visit usually on Saturday or Sunday. <br /> 3. Several Volunteer Artists: Alan Greer with guitar and songs,visits the children 5 days a <br /> week. Suzanne Mays, Lyre,visits adults one day a week, Helen Wolfson, Hammered <br /> Dulcimer visits adults especially women, one day a month,two conversational <br /> clowns,and Roy Schmidt,who has been ill some of this year,but he gives the <br /> harmonicas DooR to DoOR purchases for him,to the child patients with some <br /> written music and he teaches them to play before he leaves the room. <br /> 4. ArtHeels,called "a key to DooR to DooR" during the school year,UNC art majors and <br /> others,volunteer to visit mostly child patients with mostly visual arts and clowning and <br /> some music. The first year there were 15 volunteers,now in its 4th year there are over 60 <br /> volunteers extremely well organized and trained by their student coordinator. They visit <br /> patients,mostly pediatric and mostly with visual arts, 6 days a week. <br /> 6. DooR to DooR website maintained,photographs added as often as possible taken by <br /> director joy Javits and sometimes by others. The designer of the website is Andrea <br /> Ferguson, of Ride Again Productions, a supporter! of the program. She donated the design <br /> and a year of webhosting. She charged a nominal fee to maintain and update this excellent <br /> website: She had been donating her service again! <br /> 7. Maintain the pianos one in the lobby of the NC Children's Hospital and another in the <br /> Dining Area for the Rehabilitation Patients. There are now two more pianos, one in the <br /> waiting area for Cancer patients and one in the Unit of the Psychosis Adult Psychiatric <br /> Patieets. Pianists play at all of them as organized by DooR to DooR and tuning and <br /> cleaning are coordinated by DooR to DooR. <br /> 8. A Grant received from LiveSTRONG encouraged this Coordinator to work with the <br /> patients directly and to make that artistic work interactive. Becaue of that excellent <br /> training,many DooR to DooR artists work more interactively with the patients. For <br /> example Gabriel Pelli brought his fiddle to play and also brought a small guitar which he <br /> tuned with an open string and that allowed several patients who said,"I'm not at all <br /> musical" to have a go at playing the guitar. It also allowed a Burn patient/musician to play <br /> with Gabriel for several other patients. Natalie Gilbert teaches patients in Psychosis and <br /> Geriatrics to play the piano and play with each other. Billy Stewart gave mini-guitar <br /> lessons to patients. <br /> Proposed Uses of Grant Funds <br /> DooR to DooR has been embraced especially by the UNC Psychiatric Units including: Geriatric, <br /> Crisis, Psychosis, Eating Disorders, Adolescent and Child. I am requesting $800 to give an <br /> honorarium to ten artists to perform in the psychiatric units on the weekends, and $700 to invite <br /> dancers and actors to participate with patients, performing and interactively. Heretofore, <br /> musicians have been most present. <br /> I will find the dancers and actors through these excellent community venues: <br /> -Triangle Dance Studio 2603 S. Miami Blvd,Durham,NC- <br />
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