Orange County NC Website
Question: We are interested in acquiring a copy of the strategic report study mentioned in the RFQ. Is it <br /> available online? <br /> Answer.Check starting on page 11 of this http://oranaecou 1120830.pdf <br /> Question: we have concerns regarding the contractual requirements you ask the design teams to accept, and I <br /> want to clarify if you actually wish to be as punitive as the requirements currently stipulate: <br /> 2.1: "the contract requires the"highest professional standards"—this exceeds all liability insurance coverage for <br /> all professional design firms in the country, as insurance coverage includes only covering a standard of care that <br /> is"consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by architects practicing in the same or <br /> similar locality under the same or similar circumstances". <br /> 2.2.1: again,the"highest"generally accepted standard of care exceeds liability coverage limits. <br /> 2.2.2, 2.2.3: no liability insurance covers this level of responsibility, as architects provide instruments of service <br /> —do you really intend that the architect pays all "omitted"items on this project? <br /> 7.3.1: indemnification language is too broad and is non-insurable as well. <br /> 9.3.1: See previous comment on E&O coverage from 2.2.2 <br /> 10.7.1: given that this is specifically a prototype design, and obviously will be used for multiple projects, this is <br /> unacceptable as written, as we use proprietary specifications, details, etc.that would effectively become your <br /> property and violate our copyright protection,while not alleviating our liability for the documents. <br /> Answer.Each of those sections is negotiable as is every other contract we have <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />