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Article 6: Development Standards 60 <br /> Section 6.6:Additional Standards for Overlay Districts <br /> (1) Up to 15% of the required parking spaces may be located in the front yard. The <br /> remainder of the required parking spaces shall be located at the side or rear of <br /> the structure. <br /> (2) Shared parking areas shall be encouraged for contiguous non-residential land <br /> uses, in accordance with Section 6.9 of this Ordinance. <br /> (3) Parking areas with spaces in excess of 110% of the minimum parking spaces <br /> required, per Section 6.9 of this Ordinance, shall not be permitted. <br /> (4) Interior landscaping of the parking lots shall be provided in accordance with <br /> Section 6.8 of this Ordinance. <br /> (E) Signage34 <br /> (1) Signage shall conform to all requirements within Section 6.12 of this Ordinance. <br /> (2) Only monument style signs that do not exceed six feet in height are permitted <br /> within the Efland Village Overlay District. <br /> (3) Pole signs are not permitted. <br /> (F) Architectural Design Standards35 <br /> In addition to the requirements in Section 6.5 (Architectural Design Standards), the <br /> following design standards shall apply: <br /> (1) Corporate Franchise Architecture <br /> (a) Under no circumstances shall modern corporate franchise building <br /> design be permitted. <br /> (b) Franchise or'chain' businesses desiring to locate in the Efland Village <br /> Overlay District shall be required to design the building in accordance <br /> with these guidelines. <br /> (c) For purposes of this Sub-Section, "modern corporate franchise building <br /> design" means a building design that is trademarked, branded, or easily <br /> identified with a particular chain or corporation and is ubiquitous in <br /> nature. <br /> (2) The principal building shall be oriented facing towards the fronting street. <br /> (3) Building Access <br /> (a) A functional doorway for public or direct-entry access into a building shall <br /> be provided from the fronting street. <br /> (b) Additional entrances to a building may be provided. <br /> (4) Human Scale and Fenestration <br /> (a) Buildings shall be designed to contribute to a human scale. Large <br /> expanses of blank walls shall be avoided and fenestration (the <br /> arrangement, proportioning, and design of windows and doors in a <br /> building)shall be provided in such a way that a building is relatable to <br /> humans and does not overpower the area. <br /> (5) Drive-through facilities are prohibited on all non-residential uses. <br /> (6) Mirrored glass is prohibited. <br /> >✓vi,d of s e <br /> 34 These are requirements in the ECOD which are also good practice for the Efland Village. <br /> "(1)through(3)and(5)and(6)are requirements in the ECOD which are also good practice for the Efland Village. <br /> (4)is suggested in order to articulate that we are encouraging human scale architecture in the Efland Village overlay <br /> district. The existing requirements in Section 6.5 basically implement this point but"human scale"is a more <br /> modern term that will likely be recognizable to people in the development community. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-36 <br />