Orange County NC Website
Orange County,North Carolina <br /> Assessment of Jail Alternative Programs <br /> Task 6. For each of the processes, programs, or options identified in Task 5, seek out the associated <br /> facilitator,administrator or"content/resource expert"to identify: <br /> • The process or option purpose& basis for utilization. <br /> • Available performance data regarding individuals served,efficiencies provided,etc. <br /> • Applicability to the interests&objectives of the Jail Alternatives Work Group. <br /> • Opportunities that may be provided but are not currently. <br /> • Recommendations regarding continued utilization (or not),consolidation,expansion. <br /> Task 7.D ocument and provide appropriate narrative summarizing the findings and recommendations <br /> regarding the options identified. <br /> Note: Based on preliminary conversations with several Work Group members there may be as many as 8-10 <br /> substantive processes/options that could or will fall into this category. Time has been considered accordingly. <br /> PHASE III-PROGRAMS RESEARCH <br /> During the November 19th Jail Alternatives Work Group meeting,s everal members suggested looking at <br /> and/or considering the development of various programs they were familiar with that were operational <br /> in other North Carolina Counties; those mentioned included Buncombe, Cumberland and Durham <br /> counties. Subsequently, it was suggested that several of those program's representatives be invited to <br /> make presentations to the Work Group at future scheduled meetings.A Iso,t he question was posed;"Is <br /> there anything going on at the national level that we could or should consider?" <br /> Task 8. Identify and make contact with up to six (6) North Carolina County jurisdictions having jail <br /> alternative/deferred prosecution, transition or similar programs that may be of interest to Orange <br /> County;i.e.the JailA Iternatives Work Group,and applicable to the scope of this study. <br /> • Solicit recommendations from Work Group members and system officials interviewed. <br /> • Query previous North Carolina clients with whom the consultant has conducted similar <br /> studies for suggestions/recommendations. <br /> Note: The referenced six(6) NC jurisdictions will be in addition to any program presentationsm ade to the Jail <br /> Alternatives Work Group at regularly scheduled meetings. <br /> Task 9.Conduct a general,national search to identify prominent programs and/or processes that offer <br /> alternatives to incarceration,deferment options,etc.that may be of interest to the Work Group. <br /> ■ Minimally, the resources of the following national organizations will be reviewed to <br /> identify specific programs and/or jurisdictions having programs of note; <br /> National Institute of Corrections <br /> American Jail Association <br /> American Correctional Association <br /> Task 10. Document and provide appropriate narrative summarizing the significant program <br /> applications or recommendations for further study of the findings identified in Task 9. <br /> JAIL ALTERNATIVES WORK GROUP&REPORTING REQUIREMENTS <br /> It is understood that the Jail Alternatives Work Group will provide oversight of and general direction to <br /> the consultant with regards to the scope and developmento f this study. In turn, the consultant will <br /> attend the Work Group's scheduled meetings and serve as a participant, presenter, and as a general <br /> resource to the group with regards to jail alternative programs and specifically with regards to the issues <br /> and recommendations identified in the study itself. <br /> Solutions for Local Government,Inc. 3 <br />