Orange County NC Website
1 � <br /> BOOK2186 PA01 219 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> Legal Description <br /> TRACT ONE: <br /> BEGINNING at a stake on the north side of Allen Street 430 feet in a northeast and eastern <br /> direction from the northeast side of Rogers Road,at the southeast corner of Lot#5 in Block A as <br /> shown on the plat hereinafter referred to, and running thence North 40 53' East 200 feet to a <br /> stake; thence south 85° 07'West 90 feet to a stake;thence South 4°53' west 200 feet to a stake <br /> on the north side of Allen Street; thence along and wit the north side of Allen Street North 851 <br /> 07' West 90 feet to a stake, the point of beginning and being Lot #6 in Block A of the <br /> PROPERTY OF ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. as per plat and survey of <br /> Credle Construction Company,dated February 1962. <br /> TRACT TWO: <br /> BEGINNING at an iron located in the southeastern corner at the end of the 60-foot right-of-way <br /> of Rusch.Road, said comer also being the northwestern corner of the tract conveyed to Larry T. <br /> Caldwell by deed of record in Book 1715,Page 73,Orange County Registry,and running thence <br /> N 040 48 32" E 260.03 feet to an.iron, thence N 85° 29'45" W 90.09 feet to an iron, thence N <br /> 850 07' 15" W 179.94 feet to an iron,thence S 71° "20' 00"W 202.87 feet to an iron,thence.N <br /> 280 47' 00"W 68.94 feet to an iron, thence N 55°04' 00" E 318.10 feet to an iron,comer with <br /> Thomas C. Tucker, thence S 86° 15' 00" E 300.12 feet to an iron in the line of Margaret Ann <br /> Purefoy,et al,thence S 04°05'24"W 445.25 feet to an iron,thence N 85° 11' 31"W.56.05 feet <br /> to the place and point of BEGINNING and being a 2.246 acre tract on the plat of survey entitled <br /> BOUNDARY SURVEY SURVEYED FOR ORANGE COUNTY HABITAT FOR <br /> HUMANITY, INC." by Charles R. Billings, Professional Land Surveyor, dated November 17, <br /> 2000. <br /> i <br />