Orange County NC Website
He said physical access to healthcare is a subject of sporadic availability due to <br /> transportation. He said access to care is a wide category with 5 parts, or 5 A's. These are: <br /> availability, affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and accommodation. <br /> He said that one focus of increasing access to care is examining transportation in the <br /> County. He reviewed a map developed by staff that depicts the location of medical facilities, <br /> transportation routes and household access to personal vehicles. He said staff is seeking <br /> representation on the transit board. <br /> He reviewed the slide information on innovation grants <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if these are grants given internally to employees of the <br /> Health Department. <br /> Matthew Kelm said yes <br /> He said the second innovative thing done by the Health department was wide angle <br /> lens training, which teaches effective framing for public health issues. <br /> He defined health literacy as a person's ability to understand health related information, <br /> instructions and decisions. He said the goal is to pass a health literacy policy in October and <br /> to present data on transportation and health to the Board in March of 2014. <br /> He reviewed the timeline slide and invited questions from the Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about complete streets and also transportation and land <br /> use planning. <br /> Matthew Kelm said data is being looked at to determine existing opportunities. He said <br /> someone visited from the planning department to give a primer on complete streets. <br /> Susan Elmore reviewed the following slides on childhood and family obesity: <br /> Childhood & Family Obesity <br /> • Obesity continues to be top health concern in Orange County <br /> • Primary prevention by working with children and their families is most effective <br /> - Catalyze partnerships in Orange County <br /> - Identify strategies proven to work <br /> -Advocate to make the healthy choice the easy choice <br /> Childhood & Family Obesity <br /> Orange County Sportsplex <br /> - Work will serve as model for improving food policies at child centered facilities <br /> • Partnership led to: <br /> - Nutritional assessment of all foods sold, with plan for improvements <br /> - Removed fried food from camp lunches <br /> - Provided over 700 healthy lunches to summer camps <br /> • Biggest Nutritional issue was fried food <br /> - Exploring replacement of fryer with convection oven. <br /> Looking Forward (timeline) <br /> Susan Elmore said less than 50% of the adults in Orange County get the <br /> recommended amount of daily exercise, and less than 50% of the adults in Orange County are <br /> considered to be of healthy weight. <br />