Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> Page 2 of 3 Brande Roberts <br /> Survey Center Coordinator, State Center for Health Statistics, NC DHHS, 8/05 to 6/07 <br /> Oversee operations of survey center including staffing, training, and performance <br /> monitoring; analyze survey data using SAS; write and edit statistical reports on risk <br /> behaviors and health conditions across NC; write instructions and procedures manuals; <br /> assist with grant application preparation and required reporting to funder; ensure <br /> adherence to CDC protocol; develop and deliver training presentations <br /> Research Assistant/Survey Supervisor, Urban Institute, UNC Charlotte, 3/04 to 12/04 <br /> Write statistical reports based on data from community surveys; develop case studies for <br /> economic development plans through secondary research and telephone interviews; <br /> clean and analyze survey data for reports; train interviewers on survey protocol and use <br /> of computer-assisted telephone interviewing software and monitor interviewers for data <br /> quality; design layout for and edit documents <br /> Research Assistant, Office of Economic Development, UNC Chapel Hill, 10/00 to 1/04 <br /> Provide primary and secondary research and analytical support; assist in preparation of <br /> grant applications, e.g., projecting costs, writing goals and competencies statements, <br /> compiling supporting materials, and formatting to funder's specifications; market <br /> internship program and facilitate communication between employers and students; edit <br /> reports for accuracy and for consistency among collaborators; write and edit content for <br /> website and respond to inquiries from public regarding OED's work; organize and assist <br /> with focus groups and community stakeholder meetings <br /> Volunteer Experience: Lumber River Conservancy (LRC)- Design and develop a website <br /> for LRC including building site, writing content, and finding appropriate photographs and <br /> links; create a brochure; develop a hand-out for FAQ for hard-copy distribution and to be <br /> included on the website <br /> Regular volunteer with Chapel Hill Parks & Recreation and Eno River Association - <br /> Answer questions and provide directions at information booth, encourage attendees to <br /> complete surveys on events, help with clean-up after events, check IDs for alcohol <br /> purchase, sell tickets, assist attendees at recycling stations, etc. <br /> Education: Graduate Certificate in Technical Communication, UNCC, May 2008 <br /> BS Business Management, Concentration in Marketing, NCSU, December 1997 <br /> BA Sociology, NCSU, May 1997 <br /> Additional training: <br /> Community Development Academy, UNC School of Government, 2008 <br /> Basic Economic Development Course, UNC School of Government, 2001 <br /> Other Comments: <br /> I'm seeking a more substantial volunteer commitment, where my time will really have a <br /> positive impact on our community. I believe my skills would be useful in either of these <br /> advisory groups. I've worked as a research professional for many years, most of that <br /> time focused specifically in economic development. I'm familiar with our resources such <br /> as Commerce, Rural Center, Golden LEAF, SBTDC, Triangle J, RTRP, CH-Carrboro <br />