Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 questions about the marketplace. She said Orange County is working closely with this <br /> 2 organization. <br /> 3 She said people reach a point of needing assistance enrolling in the marketplace. She <br /> 4 said many of these people haven't had health insurance in several years, and there is a lack of <br /> 5 knowledge of the terminology, as well as a lack of access to computers. <br /> 6 She said people connected to the Health Department, Social Services, the Department on <br /> 7 Aging, Planned Parenthood, Piedmont Health Services, or the hospital can go to one of those <br /> 8 agencies to receive assistance from a certified counselor. <br /> 9 Colleen Bridger said residents not already affiliated with any of these agencies can be <br /> 10 served by another coalition of folks from Piedmont Health Services, or by the coalition led by <br /> 11 CCNC. She said there is a toll free number for people to call to speak with a trained specialist. <br /> 12 She said there are people out there putting this information out there. <br /> 13 She asked the Board to help spread the word that people do not have to enroll in October. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Commissioner Gordon asked what efforts are being made to enroll 18-24 year olds. <br /> 16 Colleen Bridger said there were discussions in the beginning about targeting specific <br /> 17 population groups, but efforts have now turned more to a blanketing approach for everyone. She <br /> 18 said this can be adjusted if there appear to be gaps. <br /> 19 Commissioner Gordon said, after the blanket approach, there are different communication <br /> 20 methods that can be used to target different groups. She feels that there needs to be a <br /> 21 communication strategy. <br /> 22 Colleen Bridger said the communications piece is a Federal program. She said Enroll <br /> 23 America is providing a booster to that message and Orange County is providing assistance with <br /> 24 actually filling out the forms. She said people in that age group are much more likely to be able to <br /> 25 fill out those forms, but there is help available for choosing a plan. She said the County is taking <br /> 26 its lead from the federal government on getting the message out. <br /> 27 Commissioner Gordon asked who is getting the flyer. <br /> 28 Colleen Bridger said this is being given out at the health department. <br /> 29 Commissioner Gordon said that there should be a more comprehensive communications <br /> 30 strategy. <br /> 31 Colleen Bridger said the County needs to target the information, but the lead is taken from <br /> 32 the federal government. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said he has been to several events where this has been discussed, <br /> 34 and he warned that the program may have a bumpy start. He said he has directed people to the <br /> 35 Health Department for help with computer access and use. <br /> 36 He feels that a lot of the people who do not have health insurance are clients of county <br /> 37 organizations. He hopes the County can put out some press releases to get the word out <br /> 38 directing residents to the right organizations. <br /> 39 Colleen Bridger said there are letters and flyers being mailed and other agencies are doing <br /> 40 the same thing. <br /> 41 Chair Jacobs noted that the website is misspelled. <br /> 42 Commissioner Pelissier said that this dashboard technology falls in line with the <br /> 43 discussions on the strategic plan. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price asked if schools are tied into the electronic health records. <br /> 45 Colleen Bridger said there is only access to the immunization registry. <br /> 46 Commissioner Price asked if at risk students can be indentified in the case of an outbreak. <br /> 47 Colleen Bridger said this would only be possible if physicians enter the information into the <br /> 48 immunization registry. <br /> 49 Commissioner Price asked why breast cancer is so high in this County. <br />