Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-10-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6a
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Last modified
12/6/2013 3:01:02 PM
Creation date
12/6/2013 3:00:14 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-10-2013
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17 <br /> 1 tonight and it passes without a unanimous vote, then it will need to come back for a second <br /> 2 reading, where it will only need a majority vote to pass. <br /> 3 He said if this is sent back with further changes and no vote, the vote at the next <br /> 4 meeting will still have to be unanimous. <br /> 5 Commissioner Dorosin referred to the watch dog issue. He noted that under current <br /> 6 ordinance, there is a blanket lack of liability for an owner if someone comes onto their land. He <br /> 7 said the concern of dog owners is that this will be turned 180 degrees to imply a strict liability if <br /> 8 the dog bites anyone. He said these are two extreme positions. He said the case of a break-in <br /> 9 is clear, but the case of a neighbor's child is not so clear. <br /> 10 He said he does not think the goal is to give land owners blanket liability, but to give <br /> 11 language that allows for a case by case analysis. He is not in favor of this "blanket immunity." <br /> 12 He said the purpose of the appeals process is to make case by case determinations. <br /> 13 Commissioner Dorosin said if the appeals process is honed, it is reasonable that it be <br /> 14 done with the ASAB. He said members of the public serve on this board and advice is available <br /> 15 from legal counsel. He said if this quasi-judicial process is implemented, this is the place to do <br /> 16 it. <br /> 17 Chair Jacobs noted that time is limited and it seems that Commissioner Dorosin has <br /> 18 brought up the issues that most Board members are concerned with - watch dog/trespassing <br /> 19 and the appeals process with the ASAB. He asked if these items could be discussed in order. <br /> 20 Commissioner Rich said she likes this idea. She agrees with Commissioner Dorosin on <br /> 21 the watch dog issue. She would like an expanded definition of a watch dog. She said she is in <br /> 22 the middle of the two extremes. She would like to find out what happens to that person in the <br /> 23 middle- the owner with the dog that doesn't normally bite and then does bite. <br /> 24 She said she would like to keep the ASAB as the appeals board. <br /> 25 Commissioner Pelissier said she agrees with the other Commissioners' comments. She <br /> 26 said taking out the watch dog definition will take out one of the extremes, as people will not be <br /> 27 able to excuse any aggression because their dog is a "watchdog." She said people are upset <br /> 28 that their dog may be deemed dangerous, when the only requirement is that residents put up <br /> 29 signs or fence the dog. <br /> 30 She said the ASAB will assess each case individually and will look at the whole situation. <br /> 31 She asked that the board look at how many cases have come under the new ordinance and <br /> 32 then assess how it is working with balancing people's right to have dogs. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said the wording will be hard to define. He said security dogs are <br /> 34 trained to attack. He said there are hundreds or thousands of dogs in the County that are kept <br /> 35 for the purpose of increasing a feeling of security; however, only a small percentage of those <br /> 36 dogs bite. He said the problem with taking out the definition of watch dog is that it only leaves <br /> 37 the option for people to spend thousands of dollars and increase their liability by having a <br /> 38 trained attack dog on their property. He said no dogs are allowed to run free, and these dogs <br /> 39 will have to be contained. He said he agrees that a middle ground needs to be found, but he <br /> 40 wants to keep the watch dog definition in there, with a way to define it. <br /> 41 Commissioner McKee said Durham County has a different solution for appeals. He said <br /> 42 their appeals board resides in the sheriff's office and is made up of three members of county <br /> 43 staff and two members of the general public. He is in favor of an independent appeals board. <br /> 44 He does not question any motives of the ASAB, but he feels that residents will be more <br /> 45 comfortable if these two boards are separate. <br /> 46 Commissioner Price echoed Commissioner McKee's comments. She said she would <br /> 47 like to keep the watch dog definition and come up with better definition of trespassing. <br /> 48 She said her concern about the appeals board is that the members should be vetted if <br /> 49 their responsibilities are to be expanded. <br />
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