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12 <br /> 1 registration for these types of dogs. He said the watch dog is neither conditioned, trained or <br /> 2 registered in contrast to these two types. <br /> 3 Commissioner Rich asked if a watchdog is considered to be a dog that bites, versus just <br /> 4 a dog who barks. <br /> 5 Annette Moore said this can include any dog that barks to keep an intruder out, which <br /> 6 includes any dog. She said this makes the definition is meaningless. <br /> 7 Commissioner Rich asked about a case where someone tries to enter her house and <br /> 8 her dog bites the person in response. <br /> 9 Annette Moore said once the dog bites it is not a watch dog, according to the definition. <br /> 10 Commissioner Rich said she disagrees with this. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee said if the term watch dog is generic and meaningless, then why <br /> 12 not leave it in. He disagreed with taking it out. <br /> 13 Annette Moore said this term makes the reader think that there are greater or fewer <br /> 14 rights given. She said that any dog that barks or threatens to bite an intruder on personal <br /> 15 property is a watchdog. She said there is nothing wrong with a dog that barks or threatens to <br /> 16 bite on your property; there is no legal issue with that. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price said her fear is that if someone has a watch dog that is barking, <br /> 18 and a person comes onto the property, and the dog bites this person, then the County can say <br /> 19 this is a dangerous dog. <br /> 20 Annette Moore said the board is looking at the terms in isolation. She said if an intruder <br /> 21 comes on to property and the dog bites, under the ordinance this is not a vicious dog - it is a <br /> 22 trespass. She said if an intruder innocently trespasses, and the watch dog barks or threatens <br /> 23 them, that has no legal meaning. <br /> 24 Commissioner Price asked if micro-chipped animals need to have rabies tags. <br /> 25 Bob Marotto said this differs for dogs and cats. He said state law does not require cats <br /> 26 to wear a rabies tag. He said the County does not require it as long as proof of vaccination can <br /> 27 be provided. He said the statute does not allow this for dogs. He said the microchip only <br /> 28 provides identification if a scanner is available. <br /> 29 Commissioner Rich asked about input from municipalities, since there are no animal <br /> 30 control officers in those towns. She asked who was contacted for input. <br /> 31 Bob Marotto said the board spoke with the members of the Carrboro police department. <br /> 32 He said the board spoke with Chapel Hill Police Chief Blue, as well as staff and the town <br /> 33 attorney. He said it has been a holistic approach with the municipalities from the beginning. <br /> 34 Commissioner Rich asked if the municipalities have seen this draft ordinance. <br /> 35 Bob Marotto said the municipalities have seen it and are fully on board. He noted that it <br /> 36 will still have to go back to the elected bodies for a vote. He said there has been an enormous <br /> 37 amount of work from all of these entities. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said dog fighting is illegal in Orange County. She asked why the <br /> 39 ordinance lists precautions rather than a statement that it is illegal. <br /> 40 Bob Marotto said there was a case a few months ago, where the County had to ride with <br /> 41 police on a drug warrant. He said there was information that there were 15 dogs involved with <br /> 42 illegal dogfighting. He said there was no direct testimony available, but paraphernalia was <br /> 43 found, and it was used to build a case. This is the reasoning for the precautions. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price asked where the ordinance against dog fighting is located. <br /> 45 Bob Marotto said the County resorts to state statutes for that. <br /> 46 Chair Jacobs asked if there are fire standards for kennels. <br /> 47 Bob Marotto said, for most kennels, there is a planning and zoning process. He said <br /> 48 Animal Services has been responsible for the animal welfare and less for the building structure. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />