Minutes 10-17-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 10-17-2013
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Last modified
12/3/2013 2:51:23 PM
Creation date
12/3/2013 2:50:01 PM
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Agenda - 10-17-2013 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 10-17-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Carrboro Bd. of Alderman
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rules to attempt mediation. He said that this mediation can happen prior to the EPA finding, <br /> and this will help lift the dark cloud that has been cast over the progress already made. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to the county attorney's letter and referenced the very <br /> last line of the second paragraph regarding the EPA allegation. He said the attorney stated <br /> that the allegation is "baseless." He noted that the County attorney is quite strong on denying <br /> this allegation. He is concerned that by negotiating the County will be effectively agreeing that <br /> these allegations are true. He said he is reluctant to have the Board admit to something the <br /> attorney says is false. <br /> He noted that the attorney does list three solutions: 1) to proceed quickly with the <br /> investigations; 2) To dismiss the complaint; and 3) to encourage the complainants to withdraw <br /> the petition to allow local government to move forward. <br /> He said the third item would solve the problem. <br /> Michael Talbert stated that the bottom of the second page has wording from the attorney <br /> that advises the Board of County Commissioners to suspend consideration of the extension of <br /> sewer lines for as long as the EPA investigation remains open. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he and Commissioner Dorosin have had discussions about this and <br /> the Board did not support Commissioner Dorosin's last motion largely because the attorney <br /> advised against it. He said this was not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, but it was a <br /> choice not to take a position. <br /> He feels there has already been a process of conciliation, and conclusions have been <br /> reached. He said he would like to talk to the attorney about whether the Board could agree in <br /> principle with the findings of the report without agreeing to anything specific. He feels the <br /> Board does agree in principle, and the County is supportive; however the issue is crossing the <br /> EPA chasm. <br /> He said the Board can continue to talk, however he feels more information is needed <br /> from the attorneys. <br /> Alderman Slade said he was glad the staff attorney was here to provide clarification. <br /> He said his understanding was that the attorney was not advising the board not to discuss the <br /> plan. He said he does not believe that coming to an alternative plan and presenting it to the <br /> EPA would admit guilt if the plan was something the County was going to do anyway. He said <br /> he would like to know from the attorney to what degree the County can express its possible <br /> position. <br /> James Bryan said he would advise the Board not to take any position at this time. He <br /> said discussion is fine, however any vote would be considered action. <br /> Alderman Seils said he was confused. He said the Aldermen were told that there should <br /> be no binding action taken; however local governments should move forward to reach an <br /> agreement on the plan to extend sewer lines and should commit to the execution of this plan, <br /> subject to assurances of resolution with the EPA. He said this does not square with the line in <br /> the letter being referenced and the comments from the attorney today. <br /> He said he appreciates Commissioner McKee's comments regarding the position with <br /> the EPA; however he feels that the task force positions have not been made in a direct <br /> response to the EPA. He said these positions have been formed to address the needs of the <br /> community. <br /> Commissioner Price said she respects the attorney's advice; however she does not think <br /> any of the work of the task force is in response to the investigation. She is puzzled at why the <br /> Board needs to stop in their tracks. She said the longer the wait, the longer these people are <br /> without sewer. <br /> Commissioner Price said she has been involved in a situation like this before, and it was <br /> resolved in good faith. She said her main concern is that the community members will sit and <br /> wait for an indefinite amount of time. <br />
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