Orange County NC Website
r <br /> EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - The County's role in an emergency was discussed. A meeting will <br /> be scheduled with Joe Myers for further discussion. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit stated that Bobby Baker and Pat Griggs has spent considerable time on <br /> emergency preparedness. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the Board of Commissioners be educated on what is already <br /> in place to handle emergencies in Orange County. <br /> SOLID WASTE <br /> Commissioners Willhoit and Hartwell stated that recycling and RDF is the most sensible way <br /> to handle the solid waste problem. The County needs to start talking with the power <br /> companies. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit stated that the task force Nancy Preston is chairing is the best <br /> avenue to pursue for the next step. The County needs to try to recycle as much as they <br /> can. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis stated that the university seems to be concerned about the <br /> capability of the County to provide them with a consistent quality and a consistent amount <br /> of RDF. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit stressed that a high priority should be to look for another landfill <br /> site. <br /> GOAL: County Departments to set an example for the County by recycling as much as possible <br /> and not purchasing styrofoam or plastic goods. <br /> GOALS: <br /> 1. Develop an inhouse recycling program. <br /> 2. Contact the Dispute Settlement Center to work with the County and the Township <br /> Advisory Boards to locate and purchase sites for convenience centers. <br /> 3. Continue to support the Regional Task Force. <br /> RESERVOIR <br /> Commissioner Willhoit stated that after the topographic information is received, one public <br /> hearing should be held and after that hearing the County needs to identify the preferred <br /> site. <br /> GOALS: <br /> 1. Select Reservoir Site <br /> 2. Develop framework for the operation and management of the reservoir (actual <br /> boundaries of service) <br /> 3. Determine the financing for the reservoir <br /> The Board agreed that the land for the reservoir should be identified as quickly as <br /> possible so that when that land is for sale the County can purchase it. <br /> It was decided that a public hearing needs to be held in the first quarter of 1989. The <br />