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CG 72 88 11 11 <br /> MEDICAL PAYMENTS policy provided such failure to disclose all <br /> hazards or prior"occurrences"or offenses is <br /> SECTION III — LIMITS OF INSURANCE, not intentional. This provision does not <br /> Paragraph 7. is replaced: affect our right to collect additional premium <br /> 7. Subject to S.above,the higher of: or exercise our right of cancellation or non- <br /> a. $10,000;or renewal. <br /> b. The amount shown in the Declarations WAIVER OF SUBROGATION <br /> for Medical Expense Limit is the most SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL <br /> we will pay under Coverage C for all LIABILITY CONDITIONS, 8.Transfer of Rights <br /> medical expenses because of "bodily of Recovery Against Others to Us is amended <br /> injury"sustained by one person. to include: <br /> This coverage does not apply if Coverage C — If required by a written contract executed <br /> Medical Payments is excluded either by the prior to loss, we waive any right of <br /> provisions of any coverage forms attached to the subrogation we may have against the <br /> policy or by endorsement. contracting person or organization because <br /> KNOWLEDGE OF AN OCCURRENCE of payments we make for injury or damage <br /> SECTION IV COMMERCIAL GENERAL arising out of your ongoing operations or <br /> LIABILITY CONDITIONS,The following is added "your work" done under a contract with that <br /> to 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, person or organization and included in the <br /> Offense,Claim Or Suit condition: products-completed operations hazards". <br /> LIBERALIZATION <br /> e. Knowledge of an occurrence, offense, claim SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL <br /> or suit by an agent or employee of any <br /> insured shall not in itself constitute LIABILITY CONDITIONS, 10. Liberalization is <br /> knowledge of the insured unless you, a added as follows: <br /> partner, if you are a partnership; or an If we revise this coverage form to provide more <br /> executive officer or insurance manager, if coverage without additional premium charge, <br /> you are a corporation receives such notice of your policy will automatically provide the <br /> an occurrence, offense, claim or suit from additional coverage as of the day the revision is <br /> the agent or employee. effective in your state. <br /> f. The requirements in Section IV — BROADENED BODILY INJURY DEFINITION <br /> Conditions Paragraph 2.b. will not be (MENTAL ANGUISH) <br /> considered breached unless there is SECTION V — DEFINITIONS is amended as <br /> knowledge of occurrence as outlined in follows: <br /> paragraph e.above. 1. 3."Bodily injury"is deleted and replaced with <br /> UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE the following: <br /> HAZARD "Bodily injury" means physical injury, <br /> SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL sickness or disease to a person and, if <br /> LIABILITY CONDITIONS,6. Representations is arising out of the foregoing, mental anguish, <br /> amended to include: mental injury, shock or humiliation, including <br /> d. Your failure to disclose all hazards or prior death at any time resulting therefrom. <br /> "occurrences" or offenses existing as of the <br /> inception date of the policy shall not <br /> prejudice the coverage afforded by this <br /> All terms and conditions of this policy apply unless modified by this endorsement. <br /> Page 4 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., CG 72 88 11 11 <br /> with its permission. <br />