Minutes - 19860417
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19860417
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Last modified
12/2/2013 12:30:52 PM
Creation date
12/2/2013 12:30:50 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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au <br /> seen evidence that the infrastructure needed for such an industrial <br /> park is going to be available in the foreseeable future. He <br /> indicated there were already grave concerns with traffic at the <br /> intersection of I-40 and NC 86 and neither Eubanks Road nor Whitfield <br /> Road could handle the increase in traffic that such development would <br /> bring into the area. He expressed the desire to support the <br /> statement by the Stoneridge/Sedgefield Property Owners Association <br /> calling for continued zoning for lower density residential areas. He <br /> expressed concern that before the Joint Land Use Plan has been <br /> accepted by the appropriate bodies, there was a hearing two weeks <br /> previously before the Chapel Hill Planning Board for a 137-unit <br /> development in the activity node north of Eubanks Road, west of NC <br /> 86, and this rezoning was approved by Chapel Hill with nineteen <br /> stipulations. He stated this was a major concern that large <br /> developments are being approved before the adoption of the Land Use <br /> Plan and before verifying that the area can support this type of <br /> development. He noted that Timberlyne is in this activity node and <br /> already expanding and the residents feel they are surrounded by major <br /> new development that cannot be supported by the area. <br /> Perry Miller stated that his is one of the 300 families which <br /> will be critically and adversely affected by the proposed landfill. <br /> He noted this takes in residents on Billabong Lane, Homestead Road, <br /> Northwoods and the Rogers Road Community. He noted the feeling of <br /> the residents is that "We were the unnecessary victims of a hasty, <br /> insensitive, expedient closed door and even sneaky political process <br /> to acquire this land as a proposed garbage dump site. This is not <br /> some land that is distant or faraway out in some rural area but this <br /> is right in the midst of neighborhoods of people, of children, of a <br /> way of life. " Mr. Miller continued referencing the virgin trees and <br /> flowing streams which would be affected. He noted he felt there was <br /> no evidence that thoughtful planning had taken place. After the <br /> first joint planning hearing he asked several planners how it made <br /> good professional planning sense for a landfill to be located so near <br /> schools and downtown Chapel Hill. "The response from one planner was <br /> 'we took that as a given, that the garbage dump had to be placed <br /> there and our responsibility was to simply plan around that given' . <br /> Ladies and Gentlemen, that is not adequate, far sighted, envisionary <br /> planning for the lives of people in this community. Interesting <br /> enough, in the introduction tonight about the various components of <br /> the planning, not one word was ever mentioned to you, the public, <br /> about the garbage dump, not one word. What do you make of that? What <br /> a community does with its garbage and its impact upon the environment <br /> and its people is a major concern. You don't read the paper each <br /> week without that somehow being highlighted for us. But have our <br /> planners helped us to highlight this as a concern? No. In fact I <br /> think it's not only a major concern it borders on being a moral issue <br /> that deserves adequate attention. So we call for a public Joint <br /> Planning Meeting to solely consider the proposed garbage dump site <br /> and its impact upon the environment and its people. It's that <br /> important, that crucial and should not be lumped and approved <br /> together in some kind of joint package without we the citizens <br /> knowing what we're buying into. " <br /> "We are very sensitive to you who also feel that your <br /> neighborhood, that your homes, that your way of life is being <br /> adversely affected by various components of this plan. We know where <br /> you are and we would like to join with you if you would join also <br /> with us. In fact there are those of us who have even considered that <br />
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