Minutes - 19860417
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19860417
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Last modified
12/2/2013 12:30:52 PM
Creation date
12/2/2013 12:30:50 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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138 <br /> very expensive road to bring all of those people from I-40 into <br /> Carrboro. If you are not in a good location the only way you'll get <br /> a plan in N.C. is to give major tax concession. You've got to buy <br /> your plan. You have to get down on your knees in competition with <br /> other towns when you are that far from an interstate and give away <br /> the sewer to get the plan so why do you want it in the first place <br /> when you've got a lousy location. You don't have much labor. Why do <br /> you want to spend money to help unemployed textile workers from <br /> Mebane and further west. Then there is a residential area of high <br /> density which is at a position where it will take the most in the way <br /> of sewers and the most in the way of water and the most in the way of <br /> road construction. My property which is on Homestead Road at the <br /> corner of Drew Lane is classified on this map as urban residential. <br /> That whole subdivision is classified as one-acre zoning. With the <br /> covenants on the land, it can never be developed that way. If you <br /> look at that area from Lake Hogan Farm Road almost to the Calvander <br /> intersection, all of that property is already developed along the <br /> road so the only way you can get more density in that area is by <br /> breaking up the existing home pattern. Therefore, I would request <br /> that all of the land from Lake Hogan Farm west until you reach the <br /> potential commercial properties at the corner of Old 86 and Homestead <br /> Road be left under the existing zoning because that breaks up the <br /> character of the entire neighborhood. The plan calls for multiple <br /> retail areas which to me is ' strip city' . If you are going to have <br /> to have any retail areas they should be kept close to the <br /> intersection and not spread out over several different areas. We're <br /> not after the Durham/Chapel Hill Highway. With all of these, what I <br /> think, are careless and thought- less parts of the plan, I would <br /> request that the County Commissioners a) not grant extra-territorial <br /> rights to the Carrboro Planning Board at this time and hopefully not <br /> until hell freezes over and that the Commissioners require that the <br /> map be more carefully drawn to represent the existing nature of the <br /> existing residential areas and that means more hearings. " <br /> Judson Edeburn, Duke Forest Resource Manager, presented a <br /> prepared statement which is attached to these minutes. <br /> John Mackowiak, spoke representing the small community located <br /> on New Hope Church Road between the I-40 Interchange and Old 86. He <br /> noted that the families in this area were unanimously opposed to the <br /> previously drawn light industrial zone indicating a petition was to <br /> be presented by a later speaker. He felt that these people would <br /> favor the revised plan which has this zone removed. <br /> Hugh Wilson spoke expressing concerns with traffic safety around <br /> the Calvander area noting that industrial uses would only create more <br /> traffic hazards. He noted that he felt industrial uses do not belong <br /> in such an area to create jobs that are not needed for the immediate <br /> area. He felt this would increase tax problems as well as increase <br /> the need for services, noting that Northern Orange County is the area <br /> where employment is needed. He felt that the benefits to Carrboro <br /> would be far less than the problems which would be created. <br /> Jeff Collins spoke as a resident and homeowner in Northwood <br /> Subdivision as well as a representative of the Northwood Homeowners <br /> Association noting that Northwood is located in the middle of the <br /> activity node at Eubanks Road and I-40. He expressed concerns with <br /> the types of industry included in light industrial noting that he is <br /> still unclear as to what these involve. He continued that he had not <br />
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