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Commissioner Lloyd asked if this recommendation would be <br /> applicable in other areas as well. Wray responded that one example <br /> was the recently completed project by the City of Durham. He noted <br /> that much more than 7Q10 was being released in that project. He noted <br /> that the difference of .4 with no instream flow is the figure being <br /> recommended for Orange County. He stressed again that the water does <br /> not belong to anyone in particular but there is the right to use it. <br /> Chair Willhoit noted there is a policy question that the Board <br /> should address concerning the cutoff point to OWASA; whether that <br /> point be before there is a water shortage in northern Orange County; <br /> or whether a phase down process is used. Wray responded that would be <br /> a judgement call. Chair Willhoit noted that the Manager's <br /> recommendation was a "sharing" of the resources as the reservoirs are <br /> drawn down including a cut back but not a complete cut-off on the <br /> transfer to OWASA. Wray responded that the study must stay within the <br /> Eno River Basin given that correlating the data would be very <br /> difficult if not impossible otherwise. <br /> Billingsley noted that he would like to work with Wray's office <br /> to determine if some reasonable alternatives could be reached in this <br /> complex problem. <br /> Chair Willhoit stated that he understood that the modeling was <br /> necessary to development of the management plan. Wray responded that <br /> his office could deal with the management plan within the Eno River. <br /> Chair Willhoit noted that the Durham connection with OWASA needed to <br /> be explored again as it seems to be a critical link. Willhoit <br /> mentioned conservation and noted that Mayor Sheffield had stated that <br /> the Town of Hillsborough is going to explore that issue. He also <br /> noted that the county plumbing inspector is enforcing the current <br /> state plumbing code which requires the installation of low-volume <br /> plumbing fixtures. He also indicated there might possibly be some <br /> design type standards that could be developed for the conservation of <br /> water. <br /> Chair Willhoit noted that the engineering work on the by-pass of <br /> University Lake needed to proceed and that the Town of Hillsborough <br /> had indicated they are going to proceed with the Lake Ben Johnson <br /> modifications. He added that the cost effectiveness of raising the <br /> dam on Lake Orange needs to be reviewed as the figures from the <br /> November 15, 1985 statement reads $32, 000 and the figure stated at <br /> this public hearing was $100, 000. <br /> Chair Willhoit continued that the engineering work on the <br /> Burlington connection needed to proceed as well as the development of <br /> a purchase agreement with the City of Burlington. <br /> Don Cox noted that there was no low flow staff guage at the USGS <br /> guaging station and requested that the County purchase such a guage. <br /> Willhoit asked that the Manager work with the Town of Hillsborough to <br /> purchase this item. <br /> Commissioner Marshall stated she felt serious consideration <br /> should be given to what and how the Board will move on Horace <br /> Johnson's recommendations. She felt this was the long range answer <br />