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010 <br /> 10 <br /> designating the county line. He explained that by flying the area <br /> Photographs could be produced showing the total length of the line. The work <br /> needs to be accomplished in March and would cost approximately $10,000 -which <br /> cost would be shared equally by the two counties. The cost would be for the <br /> photographs. <br /> Chair Willhoit emphasized the importance of the boundary line and its <br /> impact on land use and questioned if just an agreement could be reached on <br /> this line. <br /> Attorney Gledhill noted a statute does exist which sets out the <br /> procedure for determining the County line and that probably what the <br /> legislature intended was a formal surveying process. He noted that any <br /> method that would be agreed upon by the two counties would probably be <br /> acceptable by the legislature. <br /> In answer to Chair Willhoit's question about the reason for determining <br /> this line Kermit Lloyd indicated there are problems in determining what <br /> properties should be taxed along this line from Haw River to the Durham <br /> County line because of the overlaps and gaps all along the line. Mr. Morgan <br /> mentioned that this same method had been used to determine county lines for <br /> other counties for the last 10 years. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br /> to approve a joint project to determine the county line with funding to be <br /> provided from contingency conditioned upon the Chatham County Board of <br /> Commissioners agreeing to appropriate its corresponding share of the cost. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 7. WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND PURCHASE CONTRACT <br /> Kenneth Thompson distributed a revised contract in which he highlighted <br /> the changes made by the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Walker to approve the Wastewater Collection and Purchase Contract as amended <br /> by the Town of Hillsborough and presented by the Manager and authorized the <br /> Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 11. GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL CONTRACT <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br /> to award the bids to the Cary Oil Company at $ .7580 per gallon for gasoline <br /> and <br /> $ .7900 per gallon for diesel fuel and authorize the chair to sign the annual <br /> contract. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />