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038 <br /> sons and daughters of people who live in Willowhaven and that this was an <br /> opportunity for a young couple to become homeowners. He felt that young people <br /> who could not afford to purchase a home were being penalized. <br /> Carl Walter indicated he had no problem with how Mr. Sneed runs his <br /> mobile home park, but was objecting to problems outside the park that he felt <br /> stem from the park. <br /> Kizer inquired if Mr. Sneed would have any objection to a fence around <br /> the new park. Mr. Sneed responded that a buffer zone of 100' had been provided <br /> and he could not see where a fence would be necessary. <br /> 6. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMEN)ME ARTICLE 4 (EXTRACTIVE USES) <br /> The Presentation was given by Planner Susan Smith. Planning Board <br /> member Kizer inquired about the reason for the change. Staff member Smith <br /> responded the purpose was to tighten the provisions of the ordinance. <br /> Planning Board Chair Gordon inquired about the recommended deletion of <br /> this use from commercial zones. Smith responded that this type of use did not <br /> reflect Land Use Plan policies and would have substantial impact on desireable <br /> commercial areas. <br /> There were no further comments. <br /> 7. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT - ARTICLE 8 (EXTRACTIVE USES <br /> The staff presentation was made by Smith. <br /> There were no further comments. <br /> 8. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TEXT AMEN MENr-DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION <br /> The staff presentation was made by Smith. <br /> Planning Board Chair Gordon asked staff to further elaborate on the <br /> differences in wording. Attorney Gledhill reviewed the general enabling <br /> legislation and Orange County Subdivision Regulations indicating that the <br /> former no longer required plats, but did require subdivisions to occur either <br /> by recorded deed or recorded plat. <br /> Gordon asked what "plat" referred to. Gledhill responded a surveyed <br /> drawing. <br /> Gledhill noted that the change in enabling legislation both broadened <br /> and narrowed the definition of subdivision. He indicated that prior to the <br /> change lots could be created only by plat, but the change, though not requiring <br /> a plat, required the instrument creating the lot (either plat or deed) to be <br /> recorded. Before Subdivision Regulations, property was subdivided as one <br /> wished. Subdivision Regulations require an approved, recorded plat. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked what impact this change would have. Gledhill <br /> responded it both narrows and broadens the definition of subdivision for <br /> purposes of combinations and recombinations. <br />