Orange County NC Website
000073 <br /> continue the force main to West Hill Avenue with the Town responsible from that <br /> point back to the Town's system. The projected cost of the second option <br /> would be $98,000. A third option would be for the County to assume the entire <br /> cost with no cost to the Town. Regardless of which option is chosen, a <br /> timetable needs to be developed to assure that the facility would be in place <br /> by the end of December, 1985. <br /> Don Cordell indicated that the prices quoted by him are contract prices. <br /> If the Town did the work, the cost would be half or less. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd asked about the two pump stations and Cordell indicated <br /> on the map the location of each. <br /> Mayor Sheffield indicated that two modifications to the Wastewater <br /> Collection and Purchase Contract have been requested by the Town. These <br /> include (1) the ability of the Town to increase tap fees as necessary and (2) <br /> the elimination of the County tap fee charge to users in the Town's <br /> extraterritorial area. <br /> Commissioner Marshall referred to the agreement and suggested that the <br /> Town and the County reserve the right to change their respective tap fees as <br /> necessary. In response to the second modification, she noted that the County <br /> would need to know where the meter is going to be located. <br /> Cordell stated that the Lake Shore Drive option would be the only one <br /> available because the cost of the other two options would be prohibitive to the <br /> Town. <br /> Horace Johnson indicated that the granite rock would interfere with <br /> construction of the line for Orange Heights and that the cost of blasting and <br /> man-hours involved would need to be considered. <br /> Remus Smith asked about the furthest west water line on US 70 and Horace <br /> Johnson indicated it was the Eno River. <br /> Horace Johnson stated there is not time between now and December to put <br /> Town employees on the project even if the cost was not prohibitive. <br /> Commissioner Marshall talked about ownership of the line and placement of <br /> the meter. Because of the loans and grants received from Farmers Home Admini- <br /> stration (FmHA) , the County will need to maintain ownership of the line or put <br /> the money up front. <br /> Commissioner Carey indicated the Town would own the line if the line was <br /> built and paid for by the Town. <br /> Frank Sheffield stated that the placement of the meter did not have any- <br /> thing to do with ownership, but simply defines the County's service area. <br /> Lynwood Brown asked if an agreement could be worked out with the County <br /> whereby the County would waive the $15,000 tap fee, plus sewer charges and so <br /> many tap-on fees, so the town could own the line. This way the County would be <br /> the only one paying the debt for the line but would still receive full payment <br /> for the line. <br /> Frank Sheffield suggested putting the meter at the Eno River to the extent <br /> that it is technically feasible and would not do any harm to the sewage flow <br /> from the Efland force main. He stated that the Town should not spend anything <br /> for the project because the Town is contributing by providing sewage treatment <br /> service. <br /> Remus Smith indicated the Town is aware that, although it may be diffi- <br /> cult, they can connect onto the line. <br /> Commissioner Marshall indicated the importance of preserving the service <br /> the County is providing in Efland. It may be necessary to work into the engi- <br /> neering agreement a statement to protect the pressure of the line. <br />