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taken is as follows: <br /> Justification Project/Units Action <br /> Failing septic systems <br /> • Mobile home park 6 M1-11P/55 Spaces Approved <br /> • Individual lot 1 Lot/1 Unit Approved <br /> Subdivision approval <br /> • Approval time 1 Lot/l Unit Denied <br /> • Unit moved 1 Lot/l Unit Approved <br /> Temporary housing <br /> • Damaged unit 1 Lot/l Unit Approved <br /> Other <br /> • Loan delay 1 Lot/1 Unit Denied <br /> • Time/finances 1 Lot/1 Unit Denied <br /> ISSUE: An exception request was considered which involved a failing septic system on <br /> an individual lot. Because of the situation, it was necessary for an elderly <br /> couple to move their mobile home to another location,requiring them to pay <br /> the impact fee.The person who rented them the lot where they originally lived <br /> could have replaced the unit without being charged a fee.However, the high <br /> cost to provide a septic field deterred him from locating another unit on the <br /> site.He granted permission for the elderly couple to use his exception;e.g.,he <br /> transferred his exception to another party. Although the exception was <br /> approved in this case,the"transfer"question is not addressed in the ordinance. <br /> If such situations are deemed appropriate exceptions, an ordinance <br /> amendment is warranted. <br /> ISSUE: Of all the exception requests considered to date, the most time consuming to <br /> explain and/or process have been those associated with mobile home parks. <br /> Several owners have cited other reasons for controlling the flow of units in <br /> and out of a park (other than failing septic systems). One reason cited more <br /> than any other was the desire to locate desirable tenants in the parks. The <br /> owners noted that it is time consuming as well as expensive to remove <br /> undesirable tenants,and,once removed,they have been deliberately selective <br /> to avoid such situations in the future. <br /> Another reason cited by the park owners is the desire not to end up with <br /> failing septic systems.Some parks have spaces which are served by individual <br /> systems as well as community systems.Park owners have deliberately left some <br /> spaces vacant for a limited time period or been very selective in the size <br /> (number of bedrooms) of the home to avoid overtaxing individual systems. <br /> Finally,park owners have indicated that mobile home parks are somewhat like <br /> apartment complexes; e.g.,vacancy rates vary from one year to the next,and <br /> there is no real way of knowing whether the park will be near capacity or left <br /> with many vacant spaces. <br /> These situations as well as the administrative time associated with processing <br /> mobile home park requests(and replacement units in general)suggest a return <br /> to the original intent of the ordinance; e.g., essentially a "grandfather" <br /> provision. One exception is noted,though,and it is the need to establish some <br /> time limit on vacant lots or spaces.Five years prior to the effective date of the <br /> Annual Report 8 <br />