Minutes 10-03-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 10-03-2013
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Last modified
11/20/2013 9:50:13 AM
Creation date
11/20/2013 9:50:04 AM
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Agenda - 10-03-2013 - Agenda
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Chief Jones said he would like to bring up an item for discussion regarding the <br /> possibility of having a stand alone system. He said this is a discussion that has been ongoing <br /> for a number of years. He said that the County is about to invest significant money into <br /> improving tower coverage and thus improving the VIPER system. He said this helps the state <br /> by adding infrastructure to their system. He said there are problems with the state VIPER <br /> system, including building penetration and the fact that the system is not controlled at the local <br /> level. <br /> He said there is now an opportunity to make a change, and this might be the most <br /> efficient time to look at their own systems. He said that a 700Mgz system with its own <br /> controller could use the same towers and radios. He said this system could still be compatible <br /> with VIPER for disaster situations where statewide communication is needed. He said this <br /> would mean investing money into our own system instead of a state system. <br /> Chief Jones said Durham County has gone this way and is still open to the possibility of <br /> working with Orange County. He said this provides a possibility of combining systems to <br /> improve cost and coverage. <br /> He suggested that radio consultants do the extra work to look into what it would take to <br /> convert to 700Mgz. He said it is already known that existing towers and new towers can be <br /> used. He said there would be some cost to add controllers. <br /> He said the added advantage of this is the ability to add public works, transit and other <br /> agencies to the system, which the state would not allow with VIPER. <br /> He said he has approached the city manager about this, and he has suggested <br /> governments in Orange County come together as a partnership to build this system. He <br /> suggested that the Board of County Commissioners could instruct staff to direct the <br /> consultants to go to this next step of looking at options. He said perhaps discussions could <br /> then be opened with Durham. <br /> He said this would mean that there would still be compatibility with VIPER; but there <br /> would no longer be a dependency or need to wait on the state infrastructure. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Assembly of Governments (AOG) meeting with all the <br /> governmental entities is being held in November. He said this issue can be raised at that <br /> meeting, but he would like to see where staff stands first. <br /> Michael Talbert said he and Jim Groves have had some discussions about this, and <br /> there are benefits for the County. He said inter-operability with all of the other agencies is a <br /> huge plus. He noted that the state is dragging their feet in making improvements, such as <br /> adding channels, and there are definite limitations with the VIPER system. He said this route <br /> does provide more potential. He feels that Orange County staff could explore this option. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if people would be interested in bringing this to the AOG meeting <br /> for discussion. <br /> Matthew Mauzy expressed his support and said this is a great time to look at this <br /> option. He said one limiting factor in the potential tower site location search was the conflict <br /> with existing state VIPER tower sites. He said a clean slate to develop tower locations would <br /> create the potential to put more green on the maps. <br /> Chief Jones asked if he understands correctly that 700 MHz has better building <br /> penetration than 800 MHz. <br /> Matthew Mauzy said yes. <br /> Chief Jones said there is currently a terrible problem with building penetration, which is <br /> a serious safety issue for fire fighters and police officers working indoors. <br /> Matthew Mauzy said switching to 700 MHz will not solve all problems such as schools <br /> and malls; however it could lead to better penetration into larger houses and into areas of the <br /> map where 800 MHz signals trail off. <br />
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