Orange County NC Website
24 r <br /> subdivision is described in the Concept Plan approved by the <br /> Orange County Planning Board on May 20, 1996 but in all events no <br /> later than December 1, 2001 . Grantee may exercise this option <br /> upon written notice to Grantor. <br /> 17 . Miscellaneous Provisions. <br /> 17 . 1 Severability. If any provision of this <br /> Conservation Easement or the application thereof to any person or <br /> circumstance is found to oe invalid, the remainder" of the <br /> provisions of this Conservation Easement and the application of <br /> such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as <br /> to which it is found to be invalid shall not be affected thereby. <br /> 17 .2 Successors and Assigns . The term "Grantor" shall <br /> include the Grantor and t4ie Grantor's heirs, executors, <br /> administrators, successors and assigns and shall also mean the <br /> masculine, feminine, corporate, singular or plural form of the <br /> word as needed in the context of its use. The term "Grantee" <br /> shall include tke Orange County, North Carolina and its <br /> successors and assigns . <br /> 17 . 3 Re-recording. The Grantee is authorized to record <br /> or file any notices or instruments appropriate to assure the <br /> perpetual enforceability of this Conservation Easement; for such <br /> purpose, the Grantor appoints t4ie Grantee h" attorney-in- <br /> fact to execute, acknowledge and deliver any necessary instrument <br /> on its behalf. Without limiting the foregoing, the Grantor <br /> agrees to execute any such instruments upon request. <br /> 16 <br />