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SEP-13-19% 16 e6 SOCC/MPNAGER <br /> DRAFT 4 14 <br /> 1 Temporary events such as those described above would not be considered a principal use when they take place <br /> 2 at a site normally associated with the activity. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 COMMENTS AND/OR QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Commissioner Gordon asked which residential districts were included in this request. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Mary Willis indicated that all districts up to R-13. She indicated that this was being proposed for a <br /> 9 Special Use Permit so that issues such as parking availability could be looked at for each request Also,there <br /> 10 would be a Public Hearing required for each request. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 <br /> 13 ComMENTS ANDlog Q i QMONS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD - None <br /> 14 <br /> IS: r_nraru EWM AND/OR QUESTIONS FROM CITIZENS <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Paul Tripodi,an Orange County resident stated that he was applying for permission to hold small <br /> 18 outdoor events,such as wedding receptions. He was not interested in any of the larger scale events mentioned <br /> 19 in the presentation. They would never have events that lasted several days or everting events which would <br /> 20 require outdoor fighting. He has been working with the State and County Health Departments to determine what <br /> 21 needs to be done to meet health requirements and water avai lability. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon commented that although there does not appear to be off-site impact at this <br /> 24 particular location.that might not be true of other applicants. At Issue here is the essence of a residential area <br /> 25 and whether or not this would generally be an appropriate residential enterprise. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Mary WIRis commented that this was not considered a'home occupation because it would have an <br /> 28 impact greater than that expected from a home business, For that reason,staff developed the*Temporary <br /> 29 Events'category. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Ann Peterson,a friend of the Tripodi's,asked that the Board grant the Tripodfs request She mentioned <br /> 32 that the Temporary Event category is much broader than that which was requested. The Tripods main concern <br /> 33 is the inconvenience and time problems associated with having to apply for a Special Use Permit for each of <br /> 34 these events. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Jim Glover,also a friend of The Tripodr s,asked the Board of County Commissioners to approve their <br /> 37 request to hold small caterred weddings on their rural property. Most of the allowed activities in this'temporary <br /> 38 EvenC category are much larger than anything that the Tripodi's would ever schedule. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Patti Tripod[mentioned that there are several horse farms,a dairy farm and a brick mason in the <br /> 41 immediate vicinity. She felt that their area was actually more commercial than residential. She asked that the <br /> 42 Board of County Commissioners approve their request <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Commissioner Gordon felt that it was very important to pay close attention to anything that would create <br /> 45 a non-fesidentiaal impact in a residential community. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Comrrdssiormer W ilhok asked the County Attorney if it would be possible to Amit this type of event by the <br /> 4$ number of acres involved. For example,3 people could be allowed for each ace. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Geoff GledW replied that he would research the legality of this way of determining how many people- <br /> 51 would be allowed. <br /> 53 A motion was made by Commissioner Wllhoit,seconded by Commissioner refer the <br /> 54 proposed arnendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of <br /> 55 Con>rAssioneis no sooner than October 1, 1996. The Planning Board is also requested to consider how they <br /> 56 would deal with oftft impacts such as density,number of vehicles and setbacks. <br /> 57 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> x <br />