Orange County NC Website
• <br /> 15 <br /> areas or features of the Protected Property that may be damaged <br /> by any inconsistent activity or use, pursuant to paragraph 9 . <br /> 4 .5 Discretionary Consent. Vie Grantee's consent for <br /> activities otherwise prohibited under paragraph 2 above, or for <br /> any activities requiring Grantee's consent under paragraph 2 or 3 <br /> above, may be given under the following conditions and <br /> circumstances . If, owing to unforeseen or changed circumstances, <br /> any of the activities listed in paragraph 2 dt tit <br /> ..... ! 1 .: 3 ., are deemed desirable by both the Grantor <br /> and the Grantee, the Grantee may, in its sole discretion, give <br /> permission for such activities, subject to the limitations <br /> herein. Such requests for permission, and permission for <br /> activities requiring the Grantee's consent under paragraph 2 or <br /> 3, shall be in writing and shall describe the proposed activity <br /> in sufficient detail to allow the Grantee to judge the <br /> consistency of the proposed activity with the purpose of this <br /> Conservation Easement. T4*e Grantee may give its permission only <br /> if it determines, in its sole discretion, that such activities <br /> ( 1) do not violate the purpose of this Conservation Easement and <br /> (2) either enhance or do not impair any significant conservation <br /> interests associated with the Protected Property. <br /> Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee and Grantor have no <br /> right or power to agree to any activities that would result in <br /> the termination of this Conservation Easement or to allow any <br /> residential, commercial or industrial structures or any <br /> 7 <br />