Agenda - 11-19-2013 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-19-2013 - 7a
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Last modified
6/16/2015 10:37:50 AM
Creation date
11/15/2013 12:48:56 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-19-2013
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2013
RES-2013-100 Resolution Endorsing Priority Transportation Projects for TARPO Regional Priority List for 2016-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-101 Resolution Endorsing Priority Transportation Projects for DCHC MPO Regional Priority List for 2016-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
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16 <br />Attachment 3: Draft Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization (TARPO) Project Priority List <br />Rank/ Map <br />ID # <br />Project <br />Project Description /Need <br />Status <br />(New /Existing Project) <br />Existing Project Score/ <br />Rank <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Submit to TARPO for SPOT 3.0 scoring and <br />Description: Widen Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) from 1 -40 to Dodsons Crossroads (SR <br />consideration for inclusion in the TARPO regional <br />1102) and Dodsons Crossroads (SR 1102) from Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) to Dairyland <br />priority list and STIP as project priority #10 as a new <br />Road (SR 1177) to include four (4) -foot paved shoulders. This project is recommended as a set <br />Existing Highway <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br />bike project if the County can commit to provide the <br />of bikeway improvements in the OCCTP . <br />Modernization Project <br />a Subregional Highway <br />required 20% local match, acquire any necessary <br />Orange Grove <br />submitted for scoring in SPOT <br />Modernization project. Ranked <br />right -of -way, and locally administer /manage the <br />10 <br />Road / Dodsons <br />Need: This project would provide bicycle facilities to the Grady Brown Elementary School and <br />2.0. This project was <br />27/149 for all Subregional <br />project. The estimated construction cost of the project <br />Crossroads Paved <br />Cedar Ridge High School from the area south of the schools and connect to a proposed <br />submitted Orange County <br />Modernization projects scored in <br />according to the NCDOT SPOT office is $25,300,000, <br />Shoulders" <br />bikeway facility on Orange Grove Road northward into Hillsborough. The project would also <br />as project priorities #3 and #4 <br />the state. In general, project is <br />and the estimated right -of -way and utilities cost is <br />improve safety for motorized vehicular travel on this segment Orange Grove Road. The <br />in 2011. <br />anticipated to rank low for SPOT <br />$2,783,000, which would require a local match of <br />project is not likely to score very high using the State's bike /pedd estrian scoring factors because <br />. . <br />30 because of its rural context <br />roughly $7,843,000. Right -of -way and utility costs <br />of its rural context and is only eligible for funding in the division tier. <br />would not be covered by the State's share of funding. <br />The submission of this project requires a resolution or <br />letter of local match commitment. <br />Project is in the existing STIP, the project is being resubmitted in its STIP form. <br />Bike projects require a 20% local match and must be locally administered. Right -of -way acquisition is also not a permissible cost to be funded by NCDOT for these projects. <br />NOTES: <br />1) All projects previously submitted for consideration of inclusion in the TARPO regional priority list and the STIP are recommended for inclusion in this draft priority list; however, bike projects are <br />shifted down in priority given their very low likelihood of scoring well against the SPOT 3.0 scoring criteria and the requirement that the County must commit to providing the 20% local match. Capital <br />transit projects not previously considered that are components of the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan implementation are included in this list and are ranked relatively high because they <br />must rely on local input points to be funded. The INC 54 project was added to the list as priority #2 given the need for the project, its likelihood of scoring higher than other candidate projects, and its <br />eligibility for funding from both the regional and divisional tiers, which makes it more likely to be funded. Although included as priority #5 in this list, the Efland -Cedar Grove project was removed from <br />Orange County's priority list in 2011 because it did not score well in previous scoring iterations and bikeway improvements were anticipated not to meet the $1,000,000 threshold for being considered <br />a highway project. The Efland -Cedar Grove Road improvements project is being added to the list because of some added emphasis on safety in the State's scoring criteria, giving the project a higher <br />likelihood for potential funding than in previous scoring iterations. <br />2) The following projects within the TARPO planning area portion of Orange County are currently in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program ISTIPI: <br />Construct four (4) -foot paved shoulders along a five (5) -mile segment on Orange Grove Road from NC 54 to Arthur Minnis Road. This project is programmed in the STIP to be constructed in 2018; however, <br />because the project is programmed for construction after July 2015, it will be subject to reprioritization under the newly adopted SPOT 3.0 process and is listed as a bike project with a total project cost of <br />$500,000. This project may be resubmitted as a new bike project if the County desires to provide the required local match. <br />Feasibility study for Dairyland Road paved shoulders project. <br />Construct paved shoulders and rumble strips and make geometric improvements on NC 86 from NC 57 to the Caswell County line a total length of 12.2 miles. This project is underway and is expected to be <br />completed by the end of October 2013. <br />
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