Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Attachment 3: Draft Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization (TARPO) Project Priority List <br />Rank/ Map <br />Project <br />Project Description /Need <br />Status <br />Existing Project Score/ <br />Staff Recommendation <br />ID # <br />(New /Existing Project) <br />Rank <br />Submit to TARPO for SPOT 3.0 scoring and <br />Description: Widen Dairyland Road (SR 1004/1113/1177) from Union Grove Church Road (SR <br />consideration of inclusion in the TARPO regional <br />1111) to Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) to include four (4) -foot paved shoulders. Part of this <br />Existing Highway <br />priority list and STIP as project priority #7 as a new <br />project is located within the DCHC MPO planning area. The portion of this project within the <br />Modernization Project <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br />bike project if the County can commit to provide the <br />DCHC MPO planning area is being recommended for inclusion in that priority list. This project <br />submitted for scoring in SPOT <br />a Subregional Highway <br />required 20% local match, acquire any necessary <br />is scheduled in the STIP for a feasibility study (STIP # EB- 5108). The project is recommended <br />2.0. This project was <br />Modernization project. Ranked <br />right -of -way, and locally administer /manage the <br />7 <br />Dairyland Road <br />as a bikeway improvement in the OCCTP. <br />submitted by Orange County <br />62/149 for all Subregional <br />project. The estimated construction cost of the project <br />Paved Shoulders" <br />as one segment of project <br />Modernization projects scored in <br />according to the NCDOT SPOT office is $12,600,000, <br />Need: This project would provide one segment of a bikeway connection through western <br />priority #1 in 2011. The project <br />the state. Project is anticipated to <br />and the estimated right -of -way and utilities cost is <br />Orange County from Carrboro to the Buckhorn Road and Mebane area and improve the safety <br />was scored in separate <br />rank low for SPOT 3.0 because of <br />$1,386,000, which would require a local match of <br />of the subject thoroughfare for motorized vehicular travel. The project is not likely to score very <br />segments in SPOT 2.0. <br />its rural context. <br />roughly $3,906,000. Right -of -way and utility costs <br />high using the State's bile /pedestrian scoring factors because of its rural context and is only <br />would not be covered by the State's share of funding. <br />eligible for funding at the division tier. <br />The submission of this project requires a resolution or <br />letter of local match commitment. <br />Submit to TARPO for SPOT 3.0 scoring and <br />consideration of inclusion in the TARPO regional <br />Description: Widen Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) from Dairyland Road (SR 1177) to <br />Existing Highway <br />priority list and STIP as project priority #8 as a new <br />Buckhorn Road (SR 1114) and Buckhorn Road (SR 1114) from Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) <br />Modernization Project <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br />bike project if the County can commit to provide the <br />to West Ten Road (SR 1144) to include four paved shoulders. This project is <br />submitted for scoring in SPOT <br />a Subregional Highway <br />required 20% local match, acquire any necessary <br />Orange Grove <br />entfoot <br />recommended as a set of bikeway improvements in the OCCTP. <br />2.0. This project was <br />Modernization project. Ranked <br />right -of -way, and locally administer /manage the <br />8 <br />Road /Buckhorn Road <br />submitted by Orange County <br />10/149 for all Subregional <br />project. The estimated construction cost of the project <br />Paved Shoulders" <br />Need: This project would provide one segment of a bikeway connection through western <br />as one segment of project <br />Modernization projects scored in <br />according to the NCDOT SPOT office is $22,800,000, <br />Orange County from Carrboro to the Buckhorn Road and Mebane area and improve the safety <br />priority #1 in 2011. The project <br />the state. In general, project is <br />and the estimated right -of -way and utilities cost is <br />of the subject thoroughfare for both bicyclists and motorized vehicular travel. The project is not <br />was scored in separate <br />anticipated to rank low for SPOT <br />$2,508,000, which would require a local match of <br />likely to score very high using the State's bike /pedestrian scoring factors because of its rural <br />segments in SPOT 2.0. <br />3.0 because of its rural context. <br />roughly $7,068,000. Right -of -way and utility costs <br />context and is only eligible for funding at the division tier. <br />would not be covered by the State's share of funding. <br />The submission of this project requires a resolution or <br />letter of local match commitment. <br />Submit to TARPO for SPOT 3.0 scoring and <br />Description: Widen Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) from Carrboro's extra - territorial <br />consideration for inclusion in the TARPO regional <br />jurisdiction (ETJ) to the Orange /Alamance County line to include four (4) -foot paved shoulders. <br />Scored in SPOT 2.0 prioritization as <br />priority list and STIP as project priority #9 as a new <br />This project would be a segment of the North Carolina Mountains to Sea Bicycle Route <br />Existing Highway <br />a Subregional Highway <br />bike project if the County can commit to provide the <br />(designated as North Carolina Bike Route 2). Part of this project is located within the DCHC <br />Modernization Project <br />Modernization project. Ranked <br />required 20% local match, acquire any necessary <br />Old Greensboro <br />MPO planning area. This project is recommended as a bikeway improvement in the OCCTP. <br />submitted for scoring in SPOT <br />2 for all Subregional <br />right -of -way, and locally administer /manage the <br />9 <br />Road Paved <br />2.0. This project was <br />Modernization projects scored in <br />rniz <br />project. The estimated construction cost of the project <br />Shoulders" <br />Need: This project would provide a continuous paved bikeway segment from Carrboro through <br />submitted by Orange County <br />the state. In general, project is <br />according to the NCDOT SPOT office is $20,700,000, <br />the southwestern portion of Orange County to connect with other bikeway segments that <br />as project priority #2 in 2011. <br />anticipated rank low for SPOT <br />and the estimated right -of -way and utilities cost is <br />comprise the state's Mountain to Sea bicycle route. The project is not likely to score very high <br />e <br />3.0 because of its rural context. <br />$2,277,000, which would require a local match of <br />using he State's bike/ pedestrian scoring factors because of its rural context and is only eligible <br />9 p 9 Y 9 <br />roughly $6,417,000. Right-of-way and utility costs <br />9 Y 9 Y Y <br />for funding at the division tier. <br />would not be covered by the State's share of funding. <br />The submission of this project requires a resolution or <br />letter of local match commitment. <br />