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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: November 19, 2013 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7-a <br /> SUBJECT: Resolutions to Endorse Orange County's Priority Transportation <br /> Projects for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization and the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. TARPO and DCHC MPO Priority Lists Bret Martin, Transportation Planner, 919-245- <br /> Submitted in 2011 2582 <br /> 2. Resolution Endorsing Projects for the Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning <br /> TARPO Regional Priority List Supervisor, 919-245-2575 <br /> 3. TARPO Project Descriptions and Craig Benedict, Planning and Inspections <br /> Recommendations Director, 919-2585 <br /> 4. TARPO Project List Map <br /> 5. Resolution Endorsing Projects for the <br /> DCHC MPO <br /> 6. DCHC MPO Project Descriptions and <br /> Recommendations <br /> 7. DCHC MPO Project List Map <br /> PURPOSE: To consider two (2) resolutions (Attachments 2 and 5) endorsing two (2) priority <br /> lists of transportation projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO) <br /> planning areas for consideration of inclusion in the 2016-2022 Statewide Transportation <br /> Improvement Program (STIP). <br /> BACKGROUND: At the September 17, 2013 regular meeting, the BOCC considered and <br /> approved a list of new priority transportation projects to submit to the Burlington-Graham <br /> Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO) for the portion of Orange County within that <br /> MPO's planning area. That list has since been submitted to the BGMPO. At the October 15, <br /> 2013 regular meeting, the BOCC considered and approved a list of priority transit projects to <br /> submit to both the DCHC MPO and TARPO to meet an earlier deadline for transit project <br /> submissions. <br /> As a continuation of the process of submitting priority projects for consideration and inclusion in <br /> the 2016-2022 STIP to the three (3) transportation planning organizations covering Orange <br /> County, project priority lists incorporating all modes for both the DCHC MPO and TARPO were <br /> developed by staff and considered and recommended to the BOCC for approval/endorsement <br /> by the OUTBoard at the OUTBoard's September 18, 2013 meeting. The OUTBoard made no <br /> changes to the staff-recommended priority lists for the DCHC MPO and TARPO. However, <br /> based on additional information received from the DCHC MPO, TARPO, and the North Carolina <br />