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3 <br /> October 2, 2013 Planning Board Meeting and Recommendation: Information about the Planning <br /> Board's review and recommendation of the Plan is provided in the Amendment outline form <br /> (Attachment 1 ). <br /> Attachment 5 includes an excerpt from the draft minutes of the October 2, 2013 Planning Board <br /> Meeting for this item. <br /> October 16, 2013 Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard Meeting and Recommendation: <br /> Information about the OUTBoard's review and recommendation of the Plan is provided in the <br /> Amendment outline form (Attachment 1). <br /> Attachment 6 includes draft minutes of the October 16, 2013 OUTBoard Meeting. <br /> Staff Recommendations for Plan Revisions: <br /> In response to discussions and comments at the Quarterly Public Hearing, the Planning Board <br /> meeting, and the OUTBoard meeting, staff developed recommendations for the following revisions <br /> to the Plan: <br /> 1 . Page 4, Item 9, and page 21 — Rephrase language regarding bike lanes to state that <br /> NCDOT has striped the pavement two feet from the shoulder of Old NC Hwy 10 to enhance <br /> safety for bicyclists. <br /> 2. Page 12, Functional Classification of Roads within the Eno Economic Development District <br /> (EDD) — Add the following paragraph at the end of this subsection and renumber pages <br /> accordingly: <br /> `Future cross-sections of roads within the Eno EDD are anticipated as follows: 1) US 70 is <br /> anticipated to have a minimum width of 100 feet (to allow for medians and turn lanes), with <br /> greater widths likely in proximity to the 1-85 interchange; 2) Mt. Herman Church Road is <br /> anticipated to have a width of 70 feet (to allow for turn lanes); 3) Old NC Hwy 10 is <br /> anticipated to have a width of 70 feet (to allow for turn lanes at some locations, bike lanes, <br /> and a sidewalk); and 4) Future frontage and interior roads are anticipated to have widths <br /> ranging from 60 to 70 feet, depending on land use and traffic flows. <br /> 3. Page 26, Eno EDD Access Management Concept Map <br /> a. Remove symbol for possible commuter rail transit stop from the map and legend; and <br /> b. Revise the legend for signalized intersections to `existing signalized intersection'. <br /> 4. Page 25, Access Management Criteria — Add a new criteria No. 14 stating that `required <br /> future cross-sections for roads shall be subject to NCDOT and Orange County review and <br /> approval, and included in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP).' <br /> Links to Additional Materials: <br /> The Eno EDD Access Management Plan, with the revisions recommended by staff, is also <br /> available on the Orange County Planning Department website at: <br /> 1119 <br /> 2013.pdf <br /> Review of Protection Options for Old NC Hwy 10: <br /> Based on prior discussions at the September 9, 2013 Quarterly Public Hearing, OUTBoard and <br /> public comments, Staff recommends that they be authorized to research protection options for Old <br /> NC Hwy 10 and report back, as detailed in the Resolution (Attachment 7). <br />