Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT "A" <br /> PROJECT UNDERSTANDING for "WILSON INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY" SURVEYING <br /> AND ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> SCOPE of SERVICES <br /> Surveying <br /> 1. Prepare a 200 foot wide by approximately 2,500 foot long topographic route <br /> survey for the proposed roadway with one (1) foot contours tied to North Carolina <br /> State Plane coordinate system. <br /> 2. Provide topographic survey of Ben Wilson Road 200 foot to the west and south <br /> of the proposed intersection with the new roadway. <br /> 3. Prepare a topographic survey of Ben Wilson Road west to Connolly Trace for <br /> preparing water line plans and profiles. <br /> 4. Prepare a topographic survey of the proposed 1,500 linear feet sewer line route <br /> for preparing sewer line plans and profiles. <br /> 5. Locate existing property boundaries (three parcels) and NCDOT right-of-ways on <br /> the map. <br /> 6. Survey will show existing utilities as located by NC One Call. <br /> 7. Locate and show on the survey, delineated streams and wetlands along the <br /> proposed roadway route, sewer line route, and along the south side of the <br /> proposed industrial site, and prepare a metes and bounds survey. <br /> 8. Prepare Right-of-Way plats for the new roadway for recordation with Orange <br /> County as necessary. <br /> 9. Prepare easement maps for the proposed sewer line for acquisition of <br /> easements by Orange County. <br /> 10.Set required property pins for the new right-of-way plat. <br /> Geo-Technical Testing <br /> 1. Conduct soil investigations, including drilling and testing soil borings based on <br /> NCDOT standards spaced at 200 feet, minimum with 2 borings in cut locations. <br /> 2. Install piezometers in cut area borings for 24 hour ground water readings. <br />