2013-473 AMS - Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas Inc for County Jail Site C&A Study $2,735
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2013-473 AMS - Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas Inc for County Jail Site C&A Study $2,735
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11/12/2013 2:34:38 PM
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11/12/2013 2:34:36 PM
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R 2013-473 AMS - Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas Inc for County Jail Site C&A Study $2,735
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site number. To the extent possible, the documentation of these resources will determine period of <br /> occupation, site type and/or function, and site size. The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) <br /> eligibility of each resource identified will also be assessed. <br /> National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) recommendations will be based on eligibility criteria <br /> listed in 36CFR60.4. These criteria generally require assessment of cultural periods represented,general site <br /> function, site boundaries, and stratigraphic conditions/site integrity. Historic site evaluations will include <br /> architectural analysis and documentation of ownership and function (where possible). As no aboveground <br /> facilities are planned, no viewshed impacts to any potential historic resources will be incurred. However, <br /> ACC will confirm the proposed sewer line's placement in regard to the boundaries of any potentially <br /> significant historic resources. Recommendations will be expressed in standard eligibility ratings:Listed on <br /> or Eligible for the NRHP; Unassessed(possibly eligible but requiring further testing);and Not Eligible. All <br /> NRHP recommendations will be fully justified, and include statements regarding what would be expected <br /> from further investigation of the site and why this information will be significant to the area's history or <br /> prehistory. These recommendations will be framed as a series of research questions. If no further work is <br /> recommended,the justification for this recommendation will also be fully explained. <br /> The field survey is estimated to be completed in one day. ACC's Principal Investigator will be <br /> available to meet with the Orange County Project Coordinator in the field at any time. <br /> Laboratory Analysis <br /> Laboratory Analysis will begin with the washing of all recovered artifacts. A provenience number, <br /> based on the context of the artifact(i.e.,surface or subsurface), will be assigned to each positive shovel test <br /> location,unit level, or feature. Within each provenience, each individual artifact or artifact class will then <br /> be assigned a number. Artifacts will be cataloged based on specific morphological characteristics such as <br /> material in the case of lithics, and decoration and temper type in the case of ceramics. Historic ceramics will <br /> be compared to published type descriptions and cataloged by type when possible. Artifact descriptions, <br /> counts, and weights will be recorded. All diagnostic and cross-mended artifacts will be labeled with a <br /> solution of Acryloid B-72 and acid-free permanent ink. Analysis will be conducted at a sufficient level to <br /> document and justify NRHP eligibility recommendations,as appropriate. <br /> At the conclusion of this project, all project related material, including field notes, artifacts, and <br /> project maps,will be prepared for curation based on standards set forth in 36 CFR 79(Curation of Federally <br /> Owned and Ad»rinistered Archaeological Collections:Final Rule). These standards require that all project <br /> related material be placed in archivally stable storage bags and boxes. Upon acceptance of the final project <br /> report, ACC will coordinate with Ms. Dolores Hall,Assistant State Archaeologist, regarding submission of <br /> the project material for permanent curation. <br /> Reports and Documentation <br /> Following the completion of field survey, the Orange County Project Coordinator will be provided <br /> with a Management Summary(Preliminary Field Report)detailing the results of the background research and <br /> field survey. If requested, ACC's Principal Investigator will meet with him/her in person to discuss these <br /> results. <br /> 3 <br /> i <br /> i <br />
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